Nov-26-2008 22:32
Has anyone seen twilight ?
I've heard its good and I want to confirm it...
Just put yes or no...
Replies |
Jan-7-2009 19:26
I dunno, Frank, I'm thinking that comic books based on the movie adaptations of books about vampires suffering from teen angst may hold the title. I'll let you pick the title, though. :-D
Violet Parr
Jan-8-2009 02:24
lol! Good one Ani!
Old Shoe
Jan-8-2009 05:48
^Probably the most out of character Violet will ever be
Old Shoe
Jan-8-2009 23:14
Probably yoyo.
Staging your coming-out party on the basis of your capacity to be a random guy on the internet who professes his hatred for movie adaptations of books about vampires with teen angst and thus proving that you watched every episode of Dawson's creek with a box of Count Chocula by your side and a pamphlet for while-u-wait molar sharpening clutched in the hand you used to massage with mayonnaise before you found old Buffy episodes on the internet?
Kinda pathetic. Like, your ancestral home is a dreary castle in pathetic-vania pathetic.
*Dracula voice*
I vant to vish you good luck plugging he holes in your vindows and logic.
Battered Shoe
Jan-17-2009 22:49
OK. I just got back from a long vacation in South America with my little sister who is 30 years old. We both brought books with us to pass the time on the many flights we had to take when in Argentina to ensure we saw the entire country in 12 days. I brought with me “Lord Jim” by Joseph Conrad. She brought “New Moon” which is the sequel to “Twilight”. Apparently one of her old NYC sorority friends dragged her to the movie and she hated it but was enthralled with the story so decided to spend her hard-earned money on buying the book that was the sequel to this debacle. She would give me updates on the plot as she read the book because I was interested as one would be to seeing a really bad accident.
When she was done with the book she asked me if she should lug the 5 pound thing back home with her. I am diametrically opposed to ever throwing out a book. I always donate my unwanted literature to used book stores or libraries. However, on this one, I told her the best thing would be to burn it. To prevent the possibility that some other unknowing innocent pick it up and lose brain cells by reading it.
Pinball Amateur
Jan-17-2009 23:12
Glad you had such a nice trip, Nic. Sorry about the rift in familial relations. Hope the next trip goes better.
Not Breit
Jan-22-2009 17:20
I regret to inform you all that I am one of the annoying teenagers obsessed with twilight. I hang my head in shame but I confess that I just love the way that Stephanie Meyer (the author) writes. I love the character detail she goes into, she'll never spend a whole page explaining how one character looks (actually, she never really tells us how someone looks) but instead will just tell us exactally how they feel (or how the main character, Bella, feels about them).
I also love them because they got all my friends to read so we could talk about BOOKS (which is one of my favourite subjects) rather than annoying pop songs...guys...other really annoying stuff etc.
Anyway, I've now included twilight quotes into my everyday language... along with rom+jul, harry potter, jane austen, wicked, agatha christie... the list goes on.
and i wonder why people find it hard to understand me........... :)
Old Shoe
Jan-23-2009 10:24
I'm glad you posted, red-rose! And don't hang your head in shame, people have different tastes - I have been amazed at how my tastes and interests change as I move through life. We certainly do not find you annoying in the least. :)
My 19-y.o. daughter was introduced to the Twilight series by a good friend, and she absolutely loves it too! She wants me to read it, because she thinks the books are far superior to the movie (as is usually the case) - and I have said that I will. How's that for love? ;D
Battered Shoe
Feb-8-2009 02:11
Red Rose -
Trust me.... you would never be considered an annoying teenager around here based on the articulateness of your post. Like I said, the book sounded like a big pile of trash to me based on what my sister (who is 30 and was loving it) was saying, but if you can get your teenage friends out of the frenzy of boys and pop music to talk about a book, there must be something worthy in it.
I love that you love Jane Austen and Agatha Christie. That kind of sums up my teenage years. I must have read every Jane Austen book front to cover 3 times before I graduated high school. And I guess my infatuation for Agatha Christie and mysteries is a big part of the reason why I found this place.
Keep reading and stay in school :-) (OK that was really retarded)
Safety Officer
Feb-8-2009 14:50
lol least you didn't offer them memberships to the chess club nic'.