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Nov-1-2007 20:21

I just want to get a feel for agencies that charge rent to detectives in their respective agencies. Arent these people working for you? Since when do I get a job and instead of getting paid by my employer, I have to contribue to the rent. I don't wantthis to be a flame war, but think about it. Ok I work for you heres all my money!!!

Don't hijack this thread, I just want feeback, my agency will not charge rent


Dark Raven
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer

Nov-2-2007 06:56

I have to agree with Mrs. Marple. Joining an agency is gaining access to ressources. The Lab, the case file, the other detective's skills, the equipment locker. Those ressources do cost money.

I also would not consider joining an agency as accepting a job. But implementing a rent for everyone, i don't know. I agree with the concept of putting money when you can. I think it's fair. Also I believe that if you are highter in the agency, you should contribute more to it and not let the same person pay for it.

Thanks Mrs. Marple for the refreshing view on things...


Nov-2-2007 08:23

Miss Marple has a great point about the Cleint being the boss, not the agency. At Ona Mission we do have a stipulation in our bylaws that Officers should pay a weekly rent. This cost would be the payment of 1 AI level case. I dont really think anyone would miss it. In return, we help pay off FAs, help with travel expenses for treasure hunts, upgrade gear without charging for it, etc.

Also, the agency belongs to everyone, not just the directors. An agency is definitely a team effort. Everyone gains from a small contribution.

So, after saying all of that, I dont see paying agency rent as being all that bad. I have heard rumors that some agencies in the past have taken agents money and had ridiculous rents. But those agencies dont last long anyway and newer players need to find a good, stable agency with established directors.

And I'm sure I have typos and misspellings as well. Darn keyboard!

Lucky Stiff

Nov-2-2007 08:25

I have to hop to Crunch's defense a little here, I don't think he meant to turn the thread into a joke (just his posting style, as is a lot of people's on here) and he gave you a serious answer.

At SMRT, since I've been there (a few months after Ara started it, granted, but you know what I mean), the directors have been the *only* people required to pay anything into the coffers. Its never been a set amount, but in a game where there is very little to spend your money on, its not exactly a challenge to deposit enough money in the safe to keep things going, help people pay off shady (and in SMRT, we have some serious cash going out to pay shady). Asking people who are literally just housed there to contribute money is, in our opinion, asking a lot, especially of newer players. Yes, they use the lab and other resources from the agency, but they also contribute with analyzing other's evidence, using their contacts, etc.

I could see more of an argument for it if there was a shortage of money in the game, but lets face it: once you buy an apartment, and travel around a bit on a VH, what is there to really spend money on here?


Nov-2-2007 08:32

The only thing that really costs alot is Villain hunts. You dont get to do favors when you are on one and if you stay out for awhile, traveling and paying bribes really adds up. Its nice to be able to help people out, especially on those hunts.

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Nov-2-2007 09:51

The main reason we tried mandatory rent was for the reason roamie stated, the agency belongs to all members and we thought our agents might feel more like they owned a share in the agency by paying rent. In the long run though our policy and philosophy on rent is the same as SMRT.

The biggest thing is even though rent is a 4 letter word , it is not bad nor should those who charge it be held in contempt. Rent does serve a purpose and new agencies with inexperienced players may need to rely heavily upon rent to keep the agency afloat in its infancy. Others see it as a way to share the agency to all members, with many more reasons for charging rent falling inbetween those 2 reasons.
Rent is an option open to agencies, and with the number of agencies in sleuth I am sure everyone can find one that fits their needs, be it rent free or having a small renters charge.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Nov-2-2007 12:08

We have had a policy of not charging rent to detectives.

As a rookie or an Agent we expect you to be building your self up, storing away some money for a Shady day when that happens.

For Officers we expect people to contribute as they feel is appropriate to the agency coffers. No requirements or guidelines.

This has worked for quite a while for us and there is always a healthy ammount in the safe after rent is paid.

Reese Withers
Reese Withers

Nov-2-2007 15:33

When I used to be a Director, I charged rent. Rookies didn't have to pay rent but once they turned agent, they had to. $1000 a week isnt too much to ask, and its easy to get.(Officers had to pay more) If they wanted to pay more, that was up to them. I never minded paying rent because I loved the agency and wanted to see it succeed. :) I guess I should say when my other detective, Makensie Brewer was a Director..AGES ago! *sigh*

Rent helps contribute to paying Shady and buying special items for detectives. :)


Nov-2-2007 17:05

Ctown, I understand that to collect rent or not to collect rent is up to each individual agency. Some collect rent, some dont. Why are you so opposed to the rent paying policies in other agencies? Just curious.


Nov-2-2007 19:11

I just wanted to get some opinions, I for one don't agree with collecting rent. People can do what they want in their agency.

I stand by my point that you work for the agency. I know its a game, but in RL i get some perks for working at the company I do, health benefits, 401 K, things like that. And that's exactly what they are, benefits, much like identifying a footprint ans a co-worker helps you out with it. I guess I should have stated this in my initail post. What good is an agency without employees?

I decided to start the agency so that make me the owner of a "business" all financial should come from me

Just my .02

After all this time, my double, Brady Quinn, and me started an agency and go with the no rent thing. I agree with most that an agent can put in the safe what they can. Should not be required. But I've yet to hear of an agency that boots someone for not paying rent.

Safety Officer

Nov-2-2007 19:49

I'm not a really big Agency officianado. Me, myself and I, and all.

But, I think it's a matter of perspective.

Is it really rent to ask your "teammates" to contribute to the running of the Agency? And let's assume the money collected goes to the general coffers, and not into the Director's piggy-bank.

I mean, are you a team working together towards common goals, or are you just a group of disparate individuals shacked up together using each other to your own private ends?

If your Agency is A. then it's not 'rent' in the true sense of the word anyway. It's a contribution towards the (for want of a better phrase) 'common good'. Money ultimately there to be used for your benefit. (like superannuation for example)

If your Agency is B. then OK it's rent, because your nothing but a co-tenant paying rent to your landlord (Director) for a place to hang your hat and the use of the crappy washing machine in the basement.

Is that too simplistic a view?

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