Nov-1-2007 20:21
I just want to get a feel for agencies that charge rent to detectives in their respective agencies. Arent these people working for you? Since when do I get a job and instead of getting paid by my employer, I have to contribue to the rent. I don't wantthis to be a flame war, but think about it. Ok I work for you heres all my money!!!
Don't hijack this thread, I just want feeback, my agency will not charge rent
Replies |
Lucky Stiff
Nov-2-2007 23:03
Yes :)
(no, not really, but SS asked such a great question, I wanted to give a definitive answer)
Old Shoe
Nov-2-2007 23:26
Thank you for your swift rise to my defense, Biggles. I've learned my lesson: watch how clinically un-funny I can be.
Squirrel's view is not at all simplistic, because it demands that readers think about the various circumstances of the persons who might read the answer. This is important because the initial question does NOT do that. There is no simple answer to the question "Should Rookies pay rent?".
-There is no standing definition of a rookie.
-Many agencies have sufficient resources that they don't need to ask.
-Many senior players would prefer to provide a positive agency experience to new players than to recruit for rent-paying purposes.
-New people might not know which agencies have tons of money, and which are just starting out. Fame points are a reasonable gage of this, but get real: we're talking about a game in which many new people don't even know that you have to subscribe to qualify, so how realistic is it, really, to expect they will have trolled the agency top scores list?
-It's a very generic question, which does NOT take into account what the new people might actually want. Yes, it's safe to say that a lot of people would prefer not to lose money every day/week/month/whatever. It is, however, NOT at all safe to say that most people would object to giving that money up to be get in on the ground floor of an association that would eventually find itself in the hall of sleuth fame.
So, I think what you are really asking for here is that both prospective hirers and prospective agency members have and articulate their goals vis-a-vis the game very clearly. Right?
*makes a fart joke*
Nov-3-2007 02:15
As you are setting up your own agency Ctown and have your own opinion already go with that, it wont harm or offend anyone at all!
Nov-3-2007 03:33
I think it depends also on how established is the agency. When Fat Kitten began we had to ask rent in order to survive. But in the last years, we dont anymore. We just have more than enough money in the safe. We do ask our members to help eachother with items and from time to time to sell an item and donate the money to the safe. We never tell them when, or how much to donate. This system is working just fine.
But if you are just starting, why not ask for it? I dont see an agency as a group working FOR a director. So I dont see rent as paying for being able to work.
Nov-3-2007 05:51
I guess I look at Sleuth agencies like Real Estate agencies in the real world. I dont know if anyone has a realtor license or knows how it works but when you work for a real estate agency you are part of the agency but not "employed" by them. You use their resources and pay them part of your commissions. Your "employer" if you want to call it that are the people who buy and sell their homes. Like our clients here in Sleuthville.
No matter what your policies are, We have alot of wonderful agencies here in Sleuthville.
Nov-3-2007 20:47
Some great posts here, while I had my mind made up with my agency, I did want to get some feedback and that is exactly what I got. Thanks to all who posted.
Lucky Stiff
Nov-3-2007 23:28
you, ctown, are welcome :D
Nov-4-2007 01:26
Yep very welcome, a healthy debate is always fun and it's good to see what everyone else is doing!