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Talianna Periwinkle
Talianna Periwinkle

Sep-8-2007 19:16

Okay, I got this game from some other message board...

Basically, you ask a question that usually regards Sleuth (but it doesn't have to) and the next person has to answer that question with something that probably doesn't even answer your question, or is just some silly answer (oh, and that person than asks a question)

For Example:

RandomGrl123: Why do suspects keep clamming up on me?

SomeGuy456: Because they want you to go away so that they can secretly plot your death...
Why must I subscribe to travel?

HomoSapien: Because the money is used to make paper dolls.
Where..... Blah blah blah

Get it? Cool! I'll start...

Whose shadow is looming over the Sleuth Light in the banner/theme?


Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

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Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Dec-29-2009 10:18

Because he gives a free hat to every customer paying him over 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 Sleuth dollars. If you're lucky.

Why aren't there more triangular items?

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Dec-29-2009 10:34

(Sorry, posted that twice...)

Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney

Jan-2-2010 21:47

Because most people hate trigonometry and have sworn off triangles forever.

Why does it hurt to hit your head with a rock?

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Jan-3-2010 02:46

It doesn't for anyone else. Only you.

Who killed John Smith?

Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney

Jan-3-2010 05:17

The scriptwriter of Pocahontas III.

Why do most people like sweet food and hate bitter food?

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jan-5-2010 04:05

Brainwashing at an early age. If we said to our toddlers 'Now eat up all your ice cream otherwise you can't have any olives' then things might be different.

Why do monks steep tea?

Safety Officer

Jan-5-2010 06:00

Because there were too many bad monastic tea bag jokes...

What's with the current Vampire fixation? [Twilight etc]

Elizabeth March
Elizabeth March
Sleuth About Town

Jan-7-2010 09:10

There's a secret plan plotted by vampires themselves. They're trying to get us to like them so they can suck our blood easily, since we'll just offer them our necks. lol

Why do Twilight vampires glow on the sun? (I haven't watched, but my friend keeps babbling about it.)

Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Battered Shoe

Jan-7-2010 14:37

They're not vampires. They're glowing Twilight toys from MacDonalds that the studio received and decided to use when they shot that particular scene.

Why does Indiana Jones' hat seldom fall off?

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