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Talianna Periwinkle
Talianna Periwinkle

Sep-8-2007 19:16

Okay, I got this game from some other message board...

Basically, you ask a question that usually regards Sleuth (but it doesn't have to) and the next person has to answer that question with something that probably doesn't even answer your question, or is just some silly answer (oh, and that person than asks a question)

For Example:

RandomGrl123: Why do suspects keep clamming up on me?

SomeGuy456: Because they want you to go away so that they can secretly plot your death...
Why must I subscribe to travel?

HomoSapien: Because the money is used to make paper dolls.
Where..... Blah blah blah

Get it? Cool! I'll start...

Whose shadow is looming over the Sleuth Light in the banner/theme?


Demon of the Due Date

Oct-19-2007 09:37

Because they have been doing things that will also cause them to go blind and grow hair on their hands if you believe what your mother told you!

Why hasn't anyone found Sleuth Secret #1

Fizzlewig Trapspringer
Fizzlewig Trapspringer

Oct-19-2007 15:41

What do you mean? I found it my first day on sleuth. The secret is........losing........ ....connection.............end transmission.

Why are the various factions so interested in literary information?

Talianna Periwinkle
Talianna Periwinkle

Oct-19-2007 17:29

Because they're too stupid to understand complicated math, science, and cryogenic formulas that you could find for them. They have to look intelligent somehow!

Why haven't the factions had an all-out faction war?

Demon of the Due Date

Oct-19-2007 18:33

Because they all know that La Cosa Nostra would easily whoop them all.

Why is it that when I get a suspect that looks exactly like me, I have to get tough with him?

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Oct-19-2007 20:42

Because he's so happy he's not the only ugly person, he can't answer questions.

Why don't the characters in the game fart? :-)

Demon of the Due Date

Oct-19-2007 21:38

Because the smell of you is rancid enough!

Why are is Kevin so obsessed with farts?

Talianna Periwinkle
Talianna Periwinkle

Oct-20-2007 11:03

Because ever since he read the book "The Gas We Pass", we couldn't stop thinking about the wonders and complexities of gas.

Why is Murder in Manhattan labeled as an easy mystery when the suspects clam up on you after 1-2 questions?

Old Shoe

Oct-21-2007 00:46

Because you aren't offering them any fried clams or extra-strong Manhattans to loosen their tongues (or, depending upon how long you let the clams sit out, their bowels). Testimony from behind is still testimony.

How come so many of the more recently submitted avatars aren't showing up as suspect pictures?

Demon of the Due Date

Oct-21-2007 21:12

Because you have become a serial killer which causes your avatar to show up in just about every case, but you keep esacping from jail just to kill again.

How does crunchy keep escaping from jail?

Old Shoe

Oct-22-2007 01:32

Guards get lonely too.

Are apartments ever gonna get patios?

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