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I wish someone had told me..
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Fionn Palmer
Fionn Palmer

Jul-16-2007 15:54

For heavens sake!! Write somewhere (in the FAQ for example) that the skill point gain is based on experience! This is HUGE, and it's not an obvious thing!

Had I known I wouldn't have been so desperate for cash now. Also I wouldn't have so crappy skills and equipment, and most importantly I wouldn't have accumulated two false accusations in my desperation to earn more cash and skill points.

Now I have about 1500 bucks. I need about 10k to get rid of my false accusations. Also the only piece of equipment I *ever* bought with this character is a snub nosed revolver for 3k. You can do the maths yourself. I'm devastated because I didn't know that skill points were xp generated..


Fortunately I'm no quitter and I will get back up. But I am severely pissed off that I got here in the first place.


Fionn Palmer
Fionn Palmer

Jul-17-2007 05:33

Can I touch you?

Fionn Palmer
Fionn Palmer

Jul-17-2007 05:33

Um.. that didn't come out right.. sorry. :/

miss guided
miss guided

Jul-17-2007 05:58

Firstly I would like to say Fionn, Please mind your language, there are youngsters that visit this site.

Secondly, I agree with you............

If you dont know youve got a problem .......... why would you check.

If you do the search, then there is an awful lot of information to trawl through, before you may/maynot get to the answer you were looking for, to solve the problem you didnt know you had. Very time consuming.

I really do see your point :)

Maybe an update to the FAQ is needed then you guys wouldnt keep getting asked the same questions all the time...... just a thought.

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Jul-17-2007 06:08

I understand.

I asked the very same question to a woman who had worked on a Sean Penn film. She had touched Jack Nicholson.

(And spoken to them both of course.. but saying, "I've touched someone who touched Jack" is more exciting.)

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Jul-17-2007 06:13

Heh, I think it's funny it's ok that people are killing each other because of a forgotten birthday or that others are visiting brothels that cater to "unusual needs" but that youngsters might be concerned at "language".

Oh what a warped and bizarre value system we have.

miss guided
miss guided

Jul-17-2007 07:03

lol isnt it just : )

Safety Officer

Jul-17-2007 07:12

Well I'm certainly more tired now reading this than when I started.

Wow Fionn maybe you're not much one for the readin' boyo but you sure are one for the writin' :D [me too ;)]

Yeah there probably should be something about skill points vs XP in the FAQ or the Help file. [Not that I've read either thoroughly]. There's a vague reference in the Help file that says skill points are earned through solving cases... lol really?! But nothing about the sliding scale & it being based on XP.

It would have to be a vague reference that said something like 'the rate at which you earn skill points is based on your level of XP'.

Personally when I first started I thought it was based on No. of cases & XP. So if I did 1 case at 10xp I'd earn a skill point. When I got to 1000 XP I'd have to do 5 cases. lol that kind of worked until I got to about 10000 XP and tried to do easies to generate skill points and got nothing :D Hey it was a plan! And no, I'm not very mathematically minded.

Heh you think Skill points vs XP is bad Fionn, wait 'til you do your head in trying to work out the formula Ben uses to base how much we have to pay Shady :D

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jul-17-2007 10:11

Just been looking at the Help screen again, and as well as 'You will earn Skill Points for solving crimes' (with you there, SS!), it does also say

"If you successfully solve a mystery, you will usually be awarded experience and money. The experience will earn you skill points"

OK, it doesn't spell it out exactly, but it's a clue. And I'm with the idea that half the fun of the game is figuring this stuff out.

Fionn, yes, you're perfectly entitled to your opinion. Don't think anyone's really saying otherwise! But hey, so are the rest of us.

Pinball Amateur

Jul-17-2007 12:10

Just out of curiosity, how's the casework and agency-searching coming, Fionn?? ;-)

Fionn Palmer
Fionn Palmer

Jul-17-2007 17:00

Ok.. so.. can I touch you? ;P

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