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SleuthCon II 2008 Suggestions
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Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Jun-19-2007 14:30

This thread is for ideas, suggestions, proposals, etc. NO idea is too silly to mention :) although some might be too impractical to implement.

As possibilities become probabilities, I will create another thread for the Con itself and concrete facts/decisions/information.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Aug-1-2007 11:57

Biggie, I think SS meant a thump on the head with a 2 by 4.

Madame Pamela
Madame Pamela

Aug-3-2007 14:44

Any new news on this? I am so excited, I hope I get to attend next year!

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

Sep-26-2007 18:51

Cheap flights and hotels for all involved and most people would like to come here anyway. ;)

Old Shoe

Sep-27-2007 00:47

Plus, if I understand the Vegas tourism commercials right, what happens there, stays there. So fitting to this game, the idea of a convention in a place where no-one talks :)

*Can't wait to see someone show up expecting their unspent skill points will turn into hotel discounts*

Demon of the Due Date

Sep-27-2007 07:14

lol, If I remember correctly, I had mentioned Vegas at SleuthCon I, I would go to Vegas but nobody would know I was there since I'd spend all my time gambling!!!

Madame Pamela
Madame Pamela

Sep-27-2007 16:33

I would go to vegas, usually inexpensive. Now timeframe is the key for me. I am celebrating my 40th High School Reunion next year (OMG) yes I am old. Don't want to miss that.

Old Shoe

Sep-27-2007 23:46

Meh, why not combine? Nothing says "Class of 68" like meeting a bunch of virtual strangers, then getting drunk in a prom dress and cursing at a slot machine :)

Madame Pamela
Madame Pamela

Sep-28-2007 08:23

Crunchpatty, what a concept! Why didn't I think of that???? Why I bet most of the Class would love to meet in Vegas as opposed to Leavenworth KS! Most people stay away from Leavenworth, however some are court order to visit our lovely town.

Lucky Stiff

Sep-28-2007 12:13

Crunch have you been following me on my blind dates again? :)

Madame Pamela
Madame Pamela

Sep-28-2007 13:21

Sounds like he may have experienced this himself, with the exception of the prom dress, but maybe not! Maybe we will find out next year at Sleuthcon 11

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