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Donate $10 and recieve a Gift.
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Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Jun-9-2007 05:05

Just an idea I had while in the shower:

Donate $10 and for every $10, you'll recieve a Badge of Merit.

The Badge of Merit states in your Bio:
"This Detective has recieved (a) Badge of Merit.

That will increase all your stats by 3 or give you an added bonus to a skill maybe.

However, you could trade these "Badges" at the Detective Shop.

One Badge traded in will give the key to the gates at Shangrilia.
Three Badges traded in will add one stat point to a chosen piece of equipent
And five badges traded in would knock of one FA.

I am not sure how this would work or if it could.. it was just an idea that could point work instead* of or as well as subbing.

*that is, people that don't want to sub could donate and recieves badges as a gift instead..

Anyhow, I haven't really though this out as an idea except to have it..
What do people think?
I know might think about donating real money to get a FA wiped.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jun-10-2007 06:52

Regarding your "*". I think donating would be more expensive than a subscription. If I weren't subscribed I would never do this. i AM subscribed and I still wouldn't do this. Sleuth is classic and shouldn't be made more complicated.

Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Jun-10-2007 10:09

True V Buster, but people that do subscribe/donate recieve an advantage now. And while probmatic, it is a way to sucessfully fiance a game so it can be kept free for others.
If enough people donated, it could even mean the end of banner adverts even for those who are unsubbed.

And if people do want to pay $150 for an outfit, more power to them.
I don't think I would as it's just a game but it creates a real income for a game while rewarding those who give more.

And while it might add another layer to the game, I don't think this is a bad thing.
It would also be a nice alternative to gift subscriptions. Or if someone doesn't want to play in an agency but wants good smart gear, they could do it this way.

I think donations for gifts are a good way of generating a steady income and there are a lot of different ways of doing it, you wouldn't have to do as I suggested, they were just ideas.

At the end of the day, you're always going to have people better than you, or more ahead of you... or that have a better skill sets or have better items,
but why shouldn't they if they put in the work and/or money?

It also seems to me that be having a donation/gift option, there will be a more steady income of money. For example a subbed player might donate to get rid of FAs. This also fits onto the game as people with money can make things go away. ;)

And Sophie, I understand what you're saying, a lot of people couldn't and/or wouldn't.. but for the people to do, the reward is there. And there would be the option there to change your mind if you did want to donate later.

Also, there could be an option of selling them, so someone with game dollars could buy them at the detective shop therefore making them accessible to everyone.

Anyhow, I think it could be an extremely worthwhile edition to the game while generating a good income. And while people might not like the idea (which is all ok :) ), does anyone else have any ideas how this could work for Sleuth?


Jun-10-2007 13:23

This is the worse possible idea I have ever heard for a great game like Sleuth. There is no way I would "donate" money and something like this could spell the death to long term subscribers. If the game goes this way I promise I would quit and never come back. Hope Ben listens to all on this. Seen to many good games go down the money grabbing way an leave behind there true fan base.

Old Shoe

Jun-10-2007 18:34

First and foremost, Sleuth is a business. As much as Ben would love to throw away thousands of dollars a year so that people can have a good time, it just isn't a possibility.

In my opinion, Ben deserves to make a profit off of this game for once, and I think this could be a way to help ensure that that happens.

Safety Officer

Jun-10-2007 19:10

Since I know LRCy way looking for people to find ways for this to work...

Here's my suggestion in all seriousness:

REMOVE all of the High Score Boards for Players and Agencies, VH's, etc :D and you could do this.

Because once there are those that "play and pay" and then those that "play and pay and pay and pay and pay and pay" :) you can never judge players scores, agency scores etc against each other ever again.

I can extend upon this and explain further, but I think it's kinda obvious why this is the only way paying for more uber gear / privileges etc will work.

So if people & Agencies can let go of their scores, and just be happy 'playing', go for it.

Sir Butcher De Vei
Sir Butcher De Vei

Jun-10-2007 19:14

Im all with Ben getting all the cash he needs so Sleuth can operate eternally, and Im also all with new, fresh ideas stirring Sleuthville, but, the cost of these proposed badges should not exceed the cost of a 1 year membership of Sleuth. Id rather pay more for the subscription, than a shortcut to better my character. People from other countries may find it a 'priviledged' idea since dollars dont grow on trees where Im from. Were already having problems just getting enough cash to subscribe. =P (Just my 1 and 1/2 cents)

Old Shoe

Jun-10-2007 22:35

I have to disagree partially, SS.

If the things given away as a thank-you for donating don't affect that, then it shouldn't be an issue. Yes, I would agree, if it was equipment, etc, then they wouldn't be fair standings, but if it is only removing an FA or getting a key to the Prince's Palace, it is more of a commodity and not so much of a huge determining factor.

I also agree that perhaps $10 USD is a lot, but I think she was just throwing a figure out. It could be $5 or $3 or whatever.

Sir Butcher De Vei
Sir Butcher De Vei

Jun-11-2007 00:20

*Nods head* Being able to add stats to an equipment would create balance issues, but Im all for it with the opening of the Shangri La gates and the removal of FAs. Other things merit badges would work for could be, (*throwing ideas out*) getting a substantial discount when moving an Agency/Apartment or getting an option to not be pirated the whole duration of 1 or 2 villain hunts.


Jun-11-2007 01:03

I hope Ben comes on and gives us an indication of Sleuth's direction soon. I say again this idea is terrible. Sleuth's strength is in it's subscription. It is a fair amount to pay for the game it gives. Quite frankly if it turns into one of those pour your money down the drain games where you are constantly having to buy new things then there are other sites out there with great games and subscription fees only. Long Term Sleuth can be ran as a business by attracting new customers by keeping the great game we have now. Money comes in from long term subscribers and developing the game further will ensure this revenue. Please don't go down the lazy and greedy route of "buying" items and privileges Ben. Sleuth is fair and such a friendly game to play. Introduce real money elements and those on low incomes (like me) can't play and the scammers and abusers are attracted like flies. And SS is right, it would be unfair to keep the score boards if people and agencies can leap ahead by buying things. But get rid of them and a big element of the game is gone. So my plea again is don’t do this and please tell us what you are thinking Ben!!!

Sleuth About Town

Jun-11-2007 01:56

I guess I could put in my two cents worth... IMHO... I would like to see Sleuth making a bit more than breaking even when it comes to what all is involved behind the scenes of Sleuth... what we need are more people to subscribe, or something... now would you rather have people who want to donate money to donate or our subscription prices higher? Me, personally, I'd rather keep the subscription prices low, and donate extra if/when I can.


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