What's Your Favourite?
Old Shoe
May-31-2007 00:47
(Do like me)
What's your favourite infomercial?
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Aug-23-2007 08:43
the blank one where he accidently hit the enter key.
whats your favorite method of execution?
didn't get my 12 cases today :(
Arabella Parker
Aug-23-2007 10:33
My favorite method of execution would have to be firing squad. It always looks so cool in the cartoons when they put on the blindfold, and the bullets fly past to totally miss the person and make an outline of their body on the board behind them.
What is your favorite time of day?
Lady Emerald Devon
Aug-24-2007 02:24
Anyone I'm with Daniel and we're happy.
*throws up in a bucket*
What's your favourite Buffy episode?
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Aug-24-2007 12:52
That's a tough one! *thinks for a bit and hopes she doesn't get into simultaneous posting land again*
Probably Hush. Or Graduation Day part 2. But then Once More, With Feeling has to be up there. Sheesh. Too difficult *runs away and hides in a gin and tonic*
What's your favourite bar snack?
Arabella Parker
Aug-27-2007 10:12
Well since I don't go to bars, I really don't have one, but when I am drinking, I like to munch on something that compliments the drink. If I am having margaritas, I like either salty snacks, like pretzels, or spicy foods like salsa and chips. If I am having a fruity sweet drink or wine, I like chocolate or fruits. (or fruits dipped in chocolate)
What is your favorite ring tone?
Lady Ruby Caplan
Aug-29-2007 03:16
I never had a cellphone until I went to Korea. As there are no street names there or even straight city blocks, a cellphone is crucial if you want to go anywhere because you do need it for instructions.
But I hate the things and more than hating the things, I hate obnoxious ring tones...
So, do I have a cellphone now? Yes. Do I have an obnoxious ring tone? Yes.
We like the Moon. It also makes me happy to hear it. Sometimes I don't even pick up my phone straight away just so I can hear it.
What is your favourite Muppet? (Fraggles included).
Sleuth About Town
Aug-29-2007 11:35
i like a lot of them, but i'd probably have to say Big Bird.
he seems to be the only one that doesn't have someone's hand up his butt
making him do what they want. :-)
what's your favourite detective movie? ( any era)
Aug-29-2007 14:21
The Ex-Mrs. Bradford, definitely. William Powell and Jean Arthur at their elegant best, circa 1936. Good mystery, good story, hilarious relationship.
What is your favourite flavour in a cola? For example: cherry cola, vanilla cola, lime cola...
Safety Officer
Sep-4-2007 07:00
[reads up... Buffy fans please note BBC is about to seal the deal with Anthony Stewart Head for 'Ripper', Buffy spin-off]
They've stopped making lime cola in Australia, and I loved it. So Lime Cola. Yum!
What's your favourite footwear? Thongs (flip-flops), army boots etc
Old Shoe
Sep-11-2007 01:16
Yeah, gonna have to go with barefoot. So sue me, callouses make me feel slightly more manly, and me and my purse need all the help we can get.
What's your favourite hat?