What's Your Favourite?
Old Shoe
May-31-2007 00:47
(Do like me)
What's your favourite infomercial?
Replies |
Sep-13-2007 21:37
A chainmail coif.
What's your favourite type of car?
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-14-2007 08:28
Shelby Mustang
Whats your favorite toy?
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-14-2007 08:30
Shelby Mustang ;)
Whats your favorite toy?
Arabella Parker
Sep-14-2007 13:45
ohhh, Can I say that here?
OK, keeping it PG, I would have to say,
my computer. I am always on it, playing games, or in Sleuth.
What is your favorite type of toothpaste?
Sleuth About Town
Sep-14-2007 16:42
Scotch. lol,no
Colgate w/ baking soda
Who's your favorite historical figure? has to be past a century.
( Arabella, feel free to PM me with your initial answer to Sophie's question)
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-15-2007 18:55
Awww, I wanted to do the toothpaste one. Mine is Elmer's glue, you can't even see the cracks or chips anymore. Of course my lips sometimes stick to my teeth but what the heck, it works ;)
Hysterical figure: The statue of David...talk about disproportionate.
Historical figure: Marie Antionette
Where is your favorite place to camp, or picnic?
Sep-15-2007 19:37
Anywhere Shannon is
What do you like for breakfast?
Lady Ruby Caplan
Sep-17-2007 06:03
Mmmm food! It's the best thing to eat.
I LOVE a huge cooked breakfast.
Bacon, Eggs, Sauages, Mushrooms, Tomatos, Toast, Coffee and Orange Juice.
I also like pancakes with maple syrup, bacon and bananas.
What's your favourite X-Man power?
Sep-20-2007 10:13
i would say STORM's power, cuz she's awesome, and can make it rain whenever she likes!! p.s. in cause yall didn't know, i LOVE rain!!!
ummmm..... whats ur fave song? mine's whiskey lullaby
Handsome Calvin
Old Shoe
Sep-20-2007 10:21
favorite song......hmmmmm
Uncovered......by The CALL
What is your favorite tropical fruit?