General Feedback
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Feb-22-2004 20:32
I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.
1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?
2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?
3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?
Replies |
Carl Kershaw
Old Shoe
Feb-23-2006 23:21
If you subscribe, you'll get more cases
Mar-10-2006 04:45
i thought it was fun but i just lost my decective through a false allegation and i cant be bothered to start again....so depressing and definately NOT fun!there should be a way to recover! who can afford 3336 for the shady gut in london? not me!
Mar-10-2006 04:49
especially annoying as ive subscibed for three months but theres noway i can start at the beginning again...totally soul destroying!
Mar-10-2006 06:56
So sorry to hear you lost your detective weeny, I can imagine how it must feeling to lose a character you've spend a lot of time on building up. But hopefully, once the initial disappointment subsides, you'll want to rebuild your new character - and with the experience you've gained from working on cases with your previous detective and the help of your fellow agency members, I'm sure you'll progress very fast and soon find yourself back at the level you had first reached :)
And maybe if you find yourself in a similar situation again, one of your team mates could help bail you out, and you can pay him/her back later? Borrowing money to pay off Shady is definitely safer than working cases with 2 falses on your record ;)
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Mar-10-2006 17:09
Sorry to hear you lost your detective Weeny!! I cant say it any better than what Greyling said, and she is exactly right.
For what it's worth, when I first started out, I lost my detective due to carelessness and not knowing the ropes. Altho, I didn't have many skills and exp built up, it was still frustrating.
However, I immediately started over, and I learned from my mistakes from my first detective, and look where it's got me now :o) You can do the same thing, and I know u can do it :) I hope you decide to continue to play the awesome game Sleuth! :o)
Charlie Cain
Mar-11-2006 05:15
This is a very fun and addictive game. I like everything about it the only thing I would do it to make me a life time member so I can play more cases. I also wish that clothes didnt cost so much I cold and I accidentally sold my only pair of shoes. oops!
Old Shoe
Mar-25-2006 01:19
I hope this is the right place for this, but it's been driving me nuts. The game is grrat...however, on the main page before logging in (http://sleuth.hypotheticalsoftware.com/) where it gives the public a chance to peek inside...ugh. The word 'peek' is spelled 'peak'. I know, I'm so type-A that without me there'd be one less vowel in the alphabet. I'm just saying.
*buys Charlie Cain above a nice pair of flip flops*
no-one should be barefoot in March.
Charlie Cain
Mar-25-2006 04:43
thanks Crunchpatty.
Mark Stone
Mar-25-2006 06:15
I have a great suggestion for the game.
I think there should be an option to check if your friends are on. so you dont constatnly have to search the "whos loged on link" makes it quicker and eaiser. I would like some feed back on the idea :)
Charlie Cain
Mar-25-2006 06:41
I think a side bar of contact ie friends logged on would be nice but may clutter up the page.