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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-22-2004 20:32

I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.

1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?

2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?

3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?




Mar-11-2005 13:23

1. Awesome game. I'd reccommend it

2. I'll get back to you

3. Seeing as to how i've only played on beginner I could say that it's easy. But, then again, I have only played beginner


Mar-12-2005 06:31

I can't answer 2 and 3 but I can tell you that in 2 days worth of playing this I'm already thinking about subscriving (need more time to decide if I personaly like it in the long run).

Old Shoe

Mar-12-2005 17:21

Alldogship, I had the same feeling at the beginning of joining this game almost a YEAR AGO. I've been hooked ever since. I subbed, and now am hooked even more!


Mar-12-2005 19:44

Once you subscribe, Alldogship, you'll never go back!

; )

Madame TBird
Madame TBird

Mar-13-2005 22:29

There is +6 smart hand gear, there is +6 charm hand gear. Why is there only +5 tough hand gear??? Why isn't there any +5 tough head gear?


Mar-18-2005 18:07

Could use a +5 or 6 charming headgear as well.


Mar-20-2005 17:54

I would suggest shoes to complete the outfit.


Mar-20-2005 20:29

1. I think its very fun
2. as some other people have said, more mysteries and/or favors per day would be nice and also I would love to see more involved plotlines and being able to ask more questions to the suspects.
3. I think its neither too hard nor too easy. I love that theres so many difficulty levels to choose from and will definately have fun working my way up!

Lua Tantan
Lua Tantan
Super Steeper

Mar-21-2005 16:50

1. It's REALLY fun, addictive!
2. Oh well, i would like more than 10 mysteries per day!
3. The harder i played was really really hard, think is ok. i'll try incredible tomorrow.


Mar-21-2005 18:50

1) Very fun!

2) Adding more things the detective can do, other than visitng the crime scene, questioning the suspects, and exploring and stuff. Something else that a real life detective could be possibly faced with.

3) It's just perfect.

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