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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-22-2004 20:32

I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.

1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?

2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?

3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?




Jan-6-2005 07:20

I am having the same problem as D-Best and Bella Luna ... Please help :(

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jan-6-2005 10:00

Sorry about that folks. The problem was, I had deleted one particular troublew maker's account (I wiped his name from my memory), but in doing so, I neglected to delete all the message he had sent out. That created a database problem for all of you who had been unlucky enough to recieve a message from him, and there were quite a few of you.

In any event, should be cleared up now.

Mrs Hudson
Mrs Hudson

Jan-12-2005 00:14

it's great fun but could you make itso that you have a higher experience points level before your skill points slow down so much?(maybe 1500 on intermediate level mysteries) It makes really hard to get the appropriate skills to go up to the harder levels

Old Shoe

Jan-13-2005 18:23

I know this has probably already been suggested but I was wondering if it would be possible to edit your message board posts in the future? I have a post that looks overstretched because I ended a "No" about 10 O's too many.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jan-14-2005 11:06

I've been hesitant to allow editing of posts because it can make things confusing. Like somebody responds to the old version of the post, then it changes, but the reply stays the same. See what I mean?


Jan-14-2005 17:46

Ben, I agree. But many of us hanker for the same powers as the moderators have on the public boards, but within our agencies. Would it be hard to give agency directors those powers on their agency boards?

Old Shoe

Jan-14-2005 17:56

Yes! I want that too! Mod of my own message board would make sense.

Old Shoe

Jan-14-2005 21:45

I've also noted that a lot of message boards have a quoting option as well so one could know what was originally said when they respond to a message


Jan-15-2005 01:29

editing our agency board would be great! as akno said he stretched his office with too many O's. His office take too much space now. We cant find him in there LOL.


Jan-17-2005 03:44

I have a suggestion for a new skill. It seems like the charming skill, "flirting," could have a toughness equivalent, "menacing," maybe. Give us something else to spend our skill points on!

And I still stand by my smarts skill suggestion from ages ago, the "white glove" to search a crime scene over again.

And heck, while I am at it, how about another smarts skill, "notetaking" which marks in the case file the results of research, any non-alibis discovered by picking locks, and if there is any impact with one of the three factions or Larry the Toe with the case.

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