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Big Lucy's Cabaret
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Daphne Dangerfield
Daphne Dangerfield
Old Shoe

Mar-7-2007 08:44

If I were to pay my $500 (thereby revealing the Cabaret's location), left New York immediately for another city, and returned a few moments later (having not begun any new cases anywhere), would I still be able to access the Cabaret, or would leaving NY eliminate it?

(I have a valid reason for this question, but I won't bore you an explanation here!)

Many thanks




Mar-7-2007 17:45

Well, let's play detective here. You have an agency in London, and you left all your money in the safe there. Now you want to buy something expensive from that elusive fence in New York, but first you have to fly home for a fast infusion of cash. Right? You really need to keep a cunk of play money stuffed in your garters for emergencies like this. I haven't tried a fast intercontental trip while the band's still playing at the Cabaret. I don't know if it will work. I do know you can close the game, log back on, and the Cabaret will still be there, as long as you haven't started a case.

Daphne Dangerfield
Daphne Dangerfield
Old Shoe

Mar-7-2007 22:21

I've got a feeling you're right Biggie, unfortunately.

Sorry Anne, you are way off! I always have money in my garters, the reason I needed to know is that my agency is starting a scavenger hunt shortly and 2 items on the list of things to collect are found at Big Lucy's Cabaret. Therefore I would need to stash my own gear back at London HQ before making any purchases. If this action cancels out the Cabaret however, I will need to come up with an alternative plan...

Safety Officer

Mar-7-2007 22:37

Traveling or starting a new case means that Big Lucy's will move and you're dependent on Larry showing up again.

Daphne Dangerfield
Daphne Dangerfield
Old Shoe

Mar-7-2007 22:54's as I thought then. Alright, time for Plan B.


Madame Pamela
Madame Pamela

Mar-9-2007 12:52

should I pay for the location of Lucy's or the Gypsy camp, when offered?

Madame Pamela
Madame Pamela

Mar-9-2007 12:53

Also, I will subscribe soon. It asks if I have a coupon, can I get a coupon for a discount before signing up?


Mar-9-2007 12:58

Sending you a coupon code via PM, Madame...

Daphne Dangerfield
Daphne Dangerfield
Old Shoe

Mar-9-2007 23:54

Gypsy camp? Is this somethng new?

Pinball Amateur

Mar-11-2007 01:24

As far as I know, the Gypsy camp is sometime used to describe where the NY Fortune Teller is located, and is sometimes used as part of one of the descriptions for Big Lucy's Cabaret when it's near him. Though why you have to pay to gain access to the Gypsy Camp is beyond me. Haven't run across that one before. ;-)

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