Sleuth March Madness
Mar-1-2007 13:41
In honor of that lousy waste of a month February being over, I have decided to hold the first-ever Sleuth March Madness Tournament!
The premise is pretty simple. We compile a list of 64 of the game's most recognizable players, seed them into a tournament bracket, and allow Sleuthville to vote for the "best" in each matchup.
Rules for eligibility:
You must be subscribed and over 30 days old
You must PM me with your intent to enter the tournament or to nominate an eligible member for the tournament. If you are nominating someone, you must also be subscribed and older than 30 days.
Entries and nominations should be messaged ASAP. As soon as we get 64, the seeding process will begin and the matchups will be posted.
After the initial bracket is filled, I will post a few matchups here every day. Then, the people involved in those matchups will have an opportunity to say "anything" on this thread that they feel will allow them to advance to the next round of competition. Sleuthville votes will be what decides the winners, and voting information will be coming soon.
The overall winner of this tournament will receive $100,000 sleuth cash.
Please begin sending your nominations and entries to me ASAP, and good luck!
Replies |
Mar-8-2007 19:17
Ever since first seeing this draw i have been wondering if i would be the first person to do this, and i guess that i am. I fully encourage everyone to vote for my Opponent in tomorrow's race. Arabella Parker is one of the nicest, sweetest, kindest people you could ever want to meet, and her patience in chat, or with me at times has never ceased to amaze me. I would love to move on in the tournament, but i know that my vote at least will be going to Arabella, one of my best friends in the game and one of the truly wonderful people who make the game what it is. On a side note i would like to say that Serges is a big meanie for making me face one of my better friends in the first round :( , but i guess that it will happen to everyone sooner or later if they advance.
Lucky Stiff
Mar-8-2007 19:25
vote c-pizzle
thats all I have to say, he speaks for himself :)
Goooooo Ara and LRC too, you two are staples in this place and it wouldn't be the same without you :)
And Cal, you rock for saying that, Im gonna have a hard time choosing between you two myself :)
Safety Officer
Mar-8-2007 20:48
Yep hard choice: cal vs Arabella. Two people who I really like, and whose opinions I respect, however, there's really only one thing for it...
A vote for Arabella is a vote for wholesome nutty goodness :D
Mar-9-2007 01:23
Here they are... the RESULTS of our yesterday's voting!
(14) Fiddler's Green DEFEATS (3) Clara Dark
(10) Emma Barlowe DEFEATS (7) MikeD
(5) Emerald Drew DEFEATS (12) Rufus2006
(1) Carrie Mehome DEFEATS (16) MamaTerra
updated tournament standings can be seen at www.lkentertainment.net/sleuth/brackets.html
Also, reminders of who is on the block TODAY, March 9th:
(5) Calalta vs. (12) Arabella Parker
(1) Chelsea Bando vs. (16) Izolan
(3) Crunchpatty vs. (14) Eagle Eye Flo
(7) Cow Ward II vs. (10) Lady Ruby Caplan
Voting will be open until midnight, Sleuth server time. Anyone over 30 days old may vote, once in each match, by sending me OR "BALLOT BOX" a PM with your winners. Feel free to use the same PM for all matches you are voting for today.
The winners will be announced tomorrow as soon after midnight as I am able to post them.
Also, the next wave of matches have been determined and are eligible for "discussion" on this thread. These matches will be voted on TOMORROW, March 10th, from midnight to midnight:
(2) Woody2 vs. (15) Neritine
(6) Reda vs. (11) Serges
(8) Cenoecox vs. (9) Nacho Perez Lives
(4) Lulah vs. (13) Adam Carter
(Let me quickly point out the obvious conflict of interest that occurs with submitting votes tomorrow. For the record, my wife, Kagome_70, will be managing "Ballot Box" any day that I am "competing", and I will not physically see any votes sent to that character. Anyone who chooses to send their votes to me as Serges does so with that caveat.)
Rhiemma Moon
Mar-9-2007 13:17
Everyone up today are great people and contributors to this game, but His Crunchiness just simply and totally ROCKS! ::grin::
Washed Up Punter
Mar-9-2007 13:44
A tough match, Reda vs. Serges. A shout-out for Reda, who is easily one of the classiest acts in Sleuthville. Though I recently left Fat Kitten, Reda was a stellar director, and without her guidance there is no way that I would have come as far in the game as I have. She has been here since the VERY beginning - ask her anything about the history of Sleuth, I dare you.
Serges is, without a doubt, a powerful force to be reckoned with. With due respect to him, I still say, vote for Reda. Class and elegance like hers makes Sleuthville a better place to be.
Arabella Parker
Mar-9-2007 13:56
Wow Calalta, I am (almost) speechless. Thank you my friend.
I would like to make the opposite plea for votes though. Calalta is a great friend and a great mod. When I need advice, or just someone to listen to my non-coherent ramblings, he is there for me and I know he will always tell me the truth. As a sleuth player he is hard working, and knows this game inside and out. He gives it his best. I have had the pleasure of working with him, and the even greater privilege of calling him my friend.
*holds up a sign* Vote for Calalta
*looks at SS and whispers* GOOOOOOOOO NUTSSSSSSSSSSS!
Emerald Drew
Old Shoe
Mar-9-2007 15:20
Vote for Lady Ruby Caplan....Friend...Confidant....staple figure in the sleuth world....She is always ready with open arms and ears for anything you can dish out....She rocks my world...and she'll rock yours too!!!!
Mar-9-2007 16:20
LULAH LULAH LULAH!!! I can write pages about this amazing woman!!
My best friend, my better half, for 14 years now, stood by me through it all, the best and the worst. She has the most wonderful sense of humor I've ever come across, the kind that makes me feel and laugh like a kid again. She's so animated and spontaneous. As far as al-Qahirah is concerned, I wouldn't have been able to do it without her. She's the rock I can fall back on. I depend on her in everything and she's been there to support us all, most of the time at her own expense. She does so much and I don't feel like she gets the credit she deserves.
Vote for this amazing person, sleuther and director!!
Mar-9-2007 16:43
Let's hear it for SERGES!!!
His friendship has been one of the priceless gifts Sleuth has bestowed on me :)
The guy is just tireless and his contributions to the game have made it all the more enjoyable for the whole community. He has helped make Villain Hunting a more fun, competitive experience, and less lonely. He keeps our boards and chat rooms clean, works night and day on the AVL, and is a leader in one of the most successful and powerful agencies in the game. He's given us all so much So, of course: