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Another function for the bank
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Dark Raven
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer

Jan-26-2007 12:25

Greetings all.

Now that appartments are available, a lot of people are saving their money. The one thing you don't have (as far a I know) is a place to put your money. I know the option to buy a safe was mentionned but with every city having a bank, would'nt it make sense to be able to rent safe deposit boxes?

Let me know what you guys and gals think.



Ranier Peperhaut
Ranier Peperhaut
Washed Up Punter

Jan-26-2007 20:38

eeek!!! i dont want any money stolen from me, lol!!!
the pirates were awful!
thank you hostage negotiation thank you!

Con Artist

Jan-27-2007 01:09

Wow! I really like this idea. I've always thought that the murder, murder, murder aspect of sleuth left alot out of the detective's repertoire. I can see our gumshoes investigating robberies, kidnappings, embezzlement, divorces (cheating spouses), providing protection, etc... I also love the idea of the bank becoming a more active location in the sleuth world. Safe deposit boxes to hold treasure maps, or any future paperwork that our detectives will come in contact with. Interest bearing savings accounts as a way for us to earn a little bit on our money if we are willing to risk it with the bank (before the days of FDIC you know.) The banks could earn "revenue" to pay the interest on the accounts by giving out high interest loans to detectives in need of money for whatever the reason. And think of the new characters... You thought Shady was bad, meet Mongo -- the banks' burly collections agent. Oooh I like this!

Old Shoe

Jan-27-2007 04:22

Yeah I agree with Justin, murders ahve gotten kinda old. Detectives do so much more than murder. I mean Sherlock Holmes investigated missing people and everything.
I also like the idea of getting loans and mortgages.

Epiphany Love
Epiphany Love

Jan-27-2007 10:31

I really like all the ideas too.A savings account would be neat.Question though how can or can we sell our apartments?

Old Shoe

Jan-27-2007 10:44

Yep - Apartments can be sold.

Sleuth About Town

Jan-27-2007 16:31

I like the idea of being able to put some money in the bank and earn interest on it. It would be another way to earn some money outside of favors.


Jan-28-2007 04:55

Excellent ideas, indeed. I especially like the option to take loans, as I think most of the detectives who retired were carrying two FAs and couldnt afford to pay them off.


Feb-24-2007 04:55

Sure, let's see, we would have a bank, depositing rates and loaning rates. And maybe credit cards lol!
We should also add living expenses for unsubscribed members like us (and everyone);), so it slowly eats us away and we're forced to make money.
Finally, collect taxes to insure the deposits of the bank :D. You can choose to pay or not to pay, but if you're found out that you've been skimping, then you'll really have to pay :). It'll make it a lot more fun. Even unsubs could become a Sleuth loan shark(then maybe subscribe.)

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