Jan-21-2007 11:04
Okay, for all of you who have toughed out the disagreements, the bugs, the laughs and the heartache...here's a place to post some of your fondest memories. Whether its in the techniques, attitudes, or just long lost friends....
I imagine many of the respsonse can begin with,
I remember when....
Replies |
Old Shoe
Jan-25-2007 16:38
Welcome back, Leddie. :)
Old Shoe
Jan-25-2007 22:24
Old Shoe
Jan-26-2007 00:20
Like yoyo said...:D:D:D:D
I remember when Leddie used to pwn the message boards and I'm really praying that her resurrection results in a hardcore, crash-course, in-your-face reminder.
Take 'em baby. Take 'em like they were a naive Cabana boy you met on the fourth day of retirement.
I ALSO remember when Nikkie used to post... *dresses Bobo in clogs and an orange jumpsuit and punts him in the general direction of Holland*
Old Shoe
Jan-27-2008 00:18
You know that last post was like a year old exactly.
I remember many good sleuths who played well and then had to leave.
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Jan-27-2008 01:32
I remember a very large group of us sitting in Sleuthchat all night waiting for the upgrade of Arch Villain Hunts, Shangri la, apartments and Cairo. And it getting postponed every hour by Ben because 'it wasn't quite ready yet'. :)
I remember when Leddie first got me posting on the message boards.
I remember the first time I joined an agency and how scared I was, thinking I would do something wrong and get kicked out.
Mai Capome
Old Shoe
Jan-27-2008 02:01
Do 'you' (not directed at anybody in particular), remember the very first person, you had a conversation with, either they contacted you or you contacted them?
Old Shoe
Jan-27-2008 02:11
I remember thinking that Ms. Helen Corning fell off the face of the planet.
Safety Officer
Jan-27-2008 04:18
I remember ...
... when I thought yoyo was a girl and jasNmushu was a boy
... sleuthchat... not not barchat... sleuthchat... and sharpies, I remember sharpies.
... pub trivia quiz's every day
... winning on 3 legged joe at the track
... Ben continually opening up new content every time I started an AVL match
... all the old battles and the combatants, and how people could 'really' get into it
... a great post about the Pope jojo put up (way before I was a mod or even before I was posting I reckon) that was probably one of the most heated threads ever.
... the first avatar batch I did had people like Serges, Andrea X, Bill Oakes, Clara Dark and Piccolo in it.
... my first act as mod was to steal back the random mystery intro I wrote from some Drewbie that plagarised it.
... my first post deleted was by Calalta which co-incided with my Sleuth birthday :p
... ^ it had something to do with monkeys
lol I remember lots.
Jan-27-2008 06:42
I think the first person I had contact with in the game was a player by the name of PrettyHaha and that was when I joined my first agency. Pretty Sweet Investigations. Since then I have been a part of numerous agencys, including Mystery Inc, Black Swan, Eye Spy, The Blue Pagoda and now of course Dawg Pound Investigations!
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Jan-27-2008 10:19
LMAO Yoyo you thought I'd fallen off the face of the earth? Nope I'm still around :).
Funny enough Squirrel, Calalta was the first person to mod one of my posts too. I was so disappointed that my clean history had been spoiled. :)
What happened to the good old pub quiz, I'd completely forgot about it until it was mentioned.
The first person I ever spoke to was Carrie followed swiftly by Leddie.