Would you? Could you?
Lady Ruby Caplan
Dec-1-2006 06:58
Answer, then post a question starting with Would you or Could you.
Would you pose for Playboy for $10 000?
Replies |
Dec-31-2006 22:44
since i am a girl and i like a guy, srry but its gonna have to be hate you.
Would you be friends with a mentally challenged kid and be made fun or make fun of him and be considered cool?
Jan-2-2007 02:25
the former one... the latter one is too mean... and i'm to lazy to type it out...
Would you be able to listen to a silent cry for help or assume someone is alright?
Old Shoe
Apr-30-2007 23:19
That would totally depend on how many Hallmark movies of the week I was planning to audition for that day.
Would you snitch out someone you knew the cops were looking for if you agreed thought their crime was justified?
May-22-2007 00:14
Yes. Even if it were a family member. Probably the only person I wouldn't snitch on is Dr. Kevorkian, because I think he's a freaking hero and what he did shouldn't be a crime. Wow... flexible ethics....
Could you stay at a company that you absolutely loathed if they promised you a large annual bonus?
Lucky Stiff
May-22-2007 06:56
Do I get a company car?
I would have to say yes, since I loathe my job now without the fun annual bonus.
Would you get up on a crowded train or bus to give an elderly person your seat, even if you knew it meant youd have to stand up next to smelly armpit guy for an hour?
May-22-2007 17:42
Sure, i would.
Then I'd give smelly armpit guy a squirt of my perfume that I carry in my purse.
Would you do what Elena Bobbit did, if your significant other was abusing you? (she's my hero by the way)
Old Shoe
May-22-2007 23:27
Yes and no. I'd cut something, but I'd probably start with the fists.
(Lailani I thought we agreed in therapy with Dr. Nochop, we'd work through this with prayer and lots and lots of journaling).
Would you cut off an ear and send it to your true love to get their attention, knowing that you would only ever hear half of what s/he had to say in response?
Ceres Trajan
Old Shoe
May-23-2007 06:45
Oh, heck no. Any woman who wants my detached ear is a sicko and I just couldn't love a sicko like that. (circular reasoning #29)
If your leg was pinned beneath a fallen tree (femur shattered, all alone, middle of nowhere) would you cut your leg off with a pocketknife to reach safety?
Lucky Stiff
May-23-2007 07:51
This is taking a rather macabre twist of late huh?
I'd probably just call for help on my cell phone, its permanently attached :) Or maybe my secret government chip could activate and tell them where I am. Ohhh crap, not so secret anymore...
If you had a million dollars, would you give at least some of it to a charity?
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
May-29-2007 07:40
Oh yes. At least some of it. Otherwise the whole guilt thing would kick in and I'd have that dream about the dentist and the cheese again.
Could you kill, skin and cook a rabbit?