Would you? Could you?
Lady Ruby Caplan
Dec-1-2006 06:58
Answer, then post a question starting with Would you or Could you.
Would you pose for Playboy for $10 000?
Replies |
Lady Emerald Devon
Oct-16-2007 08:51
Yes. Of course. I would go nuts and take some whipped cream lavishing it all over my body before smoothing icecream all over myself and then adding chocolate sauce and bananas in some weird and backwards Sundae.
Could you do 10 push-ups right now?
Oct-17-2007 02:24
10 minutes later after cooling off from that...
No, I am unable to do 10 :( maybe around 7 on a good day.
But I'd be happy to watch a young stud do that topless.
Could/Would you... go on 2 dates in 1 evening? Totally has to be sitcom style where they don't know. If yes, how would you pull it off?
Oct-17-2007 13:05
Hhhhmmmm...I might though in real life I would scedual them way far apart. It simple I would get them to go on next that way I could date five people not two!!
Oct-17-2007 13:09
Sorry forgot to post one myself
Would you, Could you go on fear factor? If so would you win?
Charlotte Montgomery
Oct-17-2007 15:06
No way....I would be the first one out...actually I wouldn't even join. As soon as I have to eat a slug or a chinchilla or something gross...I'm OUT!!!
Would you lick bird poop for $1.oo? ( My sister was about to :0)
Sir Gar
Old Shoe
Oct-17-2007 16:12
No way, not for any amount of money.
Would you/Could you eat a dozen habaneras in a row, without drinking anything?
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe
Oct-17-2007 20:37
HEEEEEEEEEEEEEL---Oh, okay. I won't curse. :-) HECK no! I'd do it for $13,869.63, but that's the lowest price I go at.
Would you/could you kill and eat another human if you were lost in the wilderness, and that was the only way to save yourself, AND he/she was injured and couldn't go on and would eventually die anyway?
Oct-20-2007 13:53
Thats a tough one but I don't know if I would kill them, however I would eat them, I would most likely wait until they died and then eat them.
Would you, Could you risk you life to summon a demon/spirit, using really old techniques to supposivly keep you safe and control it, if it could give you ANYTHING you wanted?
Oct-20-2007 23:26
I probably would if that was all I was risking, was my life. I wouldn't want it to lame out and trick me, like the way Genies do when you wish for something, and get a ton of bad things happening.
Would/could you date a close friend's brother or sister? Or your sister/brothers friend?
Oct-26-2007 13:48
oh yes expecially if he was HOT.
Would you, could you be on any reality show and if so which one?