Would you? Could you?
Lady Ruby Caplan
Dec-1-2006 06:58
Answer, then post a question starting with Would you or Could you.
Would you pose for Playboy for $10 000?
Replies |
Old Shoe
Dec-9-2006 03:58
I'm not gonna give my life away for 1000 bucks. Maybe for 1010.
What would you do if you failed school?
Y'all can call me Bucky
Dec-9-2006 07:16
Y'all can call me Bucky.
I dind't get no fancy edumacation like soma you city-slickers seem to have. My pappy always told folk 'that boys cream don't rise all the way to the top', and 'that boy done fell outa thte stupid tree and hit evry branch on the way down', but heck I got on by.
But now I can shoot the eye outa a squirrel from nigh over a hundred yards, and round these here parts that counts for more than all that arithamatickin.
Y'all shoudn think though that I don't place no store in learnin'. Ifn me and my Missy done have us a messa little uns I'll be smilin like a mule eatin briar ifn one of em turns out to be somethin' of a thinker.
Butn to answer your question Mr yoyofoshow (danged if sayn your name don't bring a smile to mah face like a wave on a slop bucket) I be thinkn I'd just go huntn coons ifn I faild school, seein that's what I up and did.
Dangd ifn alla this speechafying hasn't plumb tuckered me out. Ifn i was a chicken I'd havta lean up against the fence to cluck.
Oh ...
Could y'all marry yer cousin ifn he/she wasn good lookin'?
Y'all can call me Bucky.
Sara Lou
Dec-11-2006 11:27
Oh I don't know, Bucky. He's pretty dang annoying.
Could you talk with a mouth full of mashed potatoes?
Lord of Llamas
Dec-12-2006 12:13
I do all the time.
Would you drop a phat beat for a chilean drug lord alpaca?
Sara Lou
Dec-15-2006 06:49
Uhh. Maybe?
Would you go on a date with a cute person you'd only met three brief times?
Old Shoe
Dec-16-2006 01:24
Yup. I'd call it a fourth date actually. I'm stalker like that.
Would you drop a fat Chilean alpaca on a Canadian drug lord for having no sense of rhythm?
Dec-16-2006 15:30
Oh, yeah.
Could you use a drugged alpaca to beat a chilly Canadian while he was watching Lord of the Dance?
Emma Barlowe
Dec-16-2006 22:59
Definitely - easy peasy.
Could you drug the Lord of the Dance and feed him to a Secret Squirrel?
Old Shoe
Dec-17-2006 00:17
Only if the squirrel in question was totally secret and terminally obsessed with jig music.
Would you wear a Tupperware overcoat to an office party if you thought the leftovers would be tasty?
Emma Barlowe
Dec-17-2006 22:09
Totally - and the Tupperware would be in different sizes, too. You don't want to miss anything yummy because you had no room! :)
Would you pay 10 bajillion million dollars to be a space tourist?