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Confess, ye sleuthy sinners!
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Old Shoe

Nov-16-2006 00:47

Sooo...the mighty gumshoe board feels a bit slow today. *Bob the Builder voice* Can we fix it? Yes we can!

Got a skeleton pounding on your closet? A secret in the attic? A monkey (no, not precious Bobo...and not the raging back hair you try to pass off as a Bonobo backpack either) on your back?

Let it all out, boo.

K, I'll start with a few (true) examples.

When I was 16, I robbed the house belonging to to heir of a pickle dynasty.

I used to steal Volkswagen signs to be more like one of the Beastie Boys.

I have bought more than one kind of deodorant in the same day, on the advice of a friend.

I salivate a little whenever I walk by a hot dog vendor.

I totally car-megeddoned a pigeon last month.

Sometimes, I find Bob Sagat funny.

I'm Canadian and I really don't care about hockey.

Plus, I covet my neighbor's ox every day.



Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-19-2013 08:07

OH MY GOD!!! It's nightmares for me tonight, for sure :(
That is freaky *hides behind computer* And will NOT help my fear :P

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-19-2013 08:11

Seriously, it snatched it out?? Right out of her hands???

And I once a movie where birds (crows, I think) attacked a *haunted* house, and went right for the eyes of the victim was terrifying! beaks...this is releasing a few repressed memories and dreams of me being attacked by crows...

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-5-2013 07:29

I HATE people reading over my shoulder! Nay, LOATHE!

*unleashes dark side, and goes back to being all smiley-like*

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-6-2013 10:25

I am absolutely convinced that if I can remember the stuff that happens in my dreams, my life is made :) No, really, I'm semi-conscious while dreaming, and sometimes, go back and go as far as giving myself superpowers, just so I don't die :D My head makes up the *wickedest* stuff... :)

Sleuth About Town

Aug-9-2013 08:23

I am hard of hearing, but I often pretend it's worse than it is so that I'm able to catch snatches of conversation people are having when they think I can't hear. For shame, I know.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Aug-10-2013 00:57

It sounds pretty fun, actually :D

Sleuth About Town

Aug-10-2013 04:52

Maybe I should become a sleuth in real life? This would be quite the trick!

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Aug-11-2013 03:11

No, that'd *ensure* that everybody'll start clamming up :)

Wolf Girl 22
Wolf Girl 22

Sep-8-2013 20:35

Ah hello there again, seems I have some more to add to the list since last time...

I once faked having a boyfriend so this annoying girl would shut up about hers. I kept the lie up with the help of friends for 4 months until she saw a picture of him on one of those fake facebook accounts (The picture I googled "hot guys") He was also a high ranking police officer and only 19 years old. How she didn't doubt the exisitance of this guy I have no clue.

Uhh... I know I had a few more when I started this but they've completely left my mind..
Oh wait that was one, my train of thought crashes constantly... But you already guessed that.

I have an obsession with ravens thanks to Edgar Allen Poe, and I currently have two birds in my house.

Thats all for now

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