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Confess, ye sleuthy sinners!
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Old Shoe

Nov-16-2006 00:47

Sooo...the mighty gumshoe board feels a bit slow today. *Bob the Builder voice* Can we fix it? Yes we can!

Got a skeleton pounding on your closet? A secret in the attic? A monkey (no, not precious Bobo...and not the raging back hair you try to pass off as a Bonobo backpack either) on your back?

Let it all out, boo.

K, I'll start with a few (true) examples.

When I was 16, I robbed the house belonging to to heir of a pickle dynasty.

I used to steal Volkswagen signs to be more like one of the Beastie Boys.

I have bought more than one kind of deodorant in the same day, on the advice of a friend.

I salivate a little whenever I walk by a hot dog vendor.

I totally car-megeddoned a pigeon last month.

Sometimes, I find Bob Sagat funny.

I'm Canadian and I really don't care about hockey.

Plus, I covet my neighbor's ox every day.



Deanna Durbin, Detective
Deanna Durbin, Detective

Feb-13-2013 21:00

I wish I lived in a different climate
I tried escargot once-- and liked it
I can sing "I'm Going to See You Today" from memory
When I was in 8th grade, I had a crush on Van Heflin , the guy from 'The Strange Love of Martha Ivers'
Also when I was young, I wished that I went to that school from those 1950's British comedy movies
I cannot stand most modern movies unless they are absolutely brilliant
I'm a bad typer. My best speed was 40 WPM, and that was when I was looking at the keyboard.
I'm sort of an over-anxious person

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Feb-14-2013 05:00

With you on the climate and the escargots! Do you mean St Trinian's for the school?

I would like to confess that I failed to recognise a photo of Lady Gaga on a quiz show the other day.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-2-2013 09:28

LOL Crunch!!!! Seriously hilarious!!! Sample: pretending like Darth Vader in shower-- "Luke, you must pass the soap." ROFLMAO!!!!!

All I'm gonna say, is that I laugh a lot more than normal when I read something funny; as opposed to seeing or hearing about it. Though seeing it is pretty fun too :)

Francesca Romano
Francesca Romano
Old Shoe

May-2-2013 23:43

Hmmm, let me see.

I'm so scared of cockroaches I couldn't sleep for four nights after one entered my house.
Whenever I leave my house, I fantasize about a frog being on the bushes nearby and get horrified of the thought.
I absolutely hate when I say I'm about to go somewhere and Mom drops by my house anyway.
And I prefer to go places on my own because I may decide I want to come home like five minutes after getting to wherever I'm going. '-'

Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Battered Shoe

May-7-2013 12:45

I confess that before today, I have not signed on for years.

I've seen every episode of Family Guy and can identify most of the cutaways when prompted.

Also, my first celebrity crush was William Shatner.

Francesca Romano
Francesca Romano
Old Shoe

May-8-2013 17:04

I confess (one more time with the spilling out confessions) that I'd prefer to stay home and sleep than to go anywhere and do anything.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-18-2013 04:06

Right back at ya, Fran! Recently, I got dragged out to a (stupid, no-net-connection) hill station, to "enjoy nature" The only thing I enjoyed was buying the 1/4 kilo of dark chocolate :) While at it, I'll say that insects are totally okay for me, but ANY kind of big animal (I mean, a dog, not an elephant or anything) terrify the heck outta me. Birds too. Stupid crazy sharp beaks? No, thanks! (And I mean, to the extent of not touching baby chicks. Yeah. Baby. Chicks. Just come out of eggs. It's not that pathetic though, right?

Francesca Romano
Francesca Romano
Old Shoe

May-18-2013 17:31

Tell me about it, Bella. I had this conversation with my Mom today. She was, as usual, telling me how I don't enjoy my life and don't go places. The thing is, I HATE going to the beach, and that's all she wants me to do. So yes, going to a place you hate doesn't seem to count as "enjoying your life".
As for animals, I'll agree on dogs. I don't hate them or anything, but I'm afraid of most of them. And cockroaches, yes.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-19-2013 03:21

I really don't hate animals, especially dogs, who I think are really sweet; except they really scare me. As does ANY animal. But that's more my fault :P

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

May-19-2013 04:30

I'm not good at birds, either. I confuse people walking towards me because I detour to avoid pigeons. I was waiting for a train recently when a seagull did this terrifying long sort of dive-bomb swoop and snatched a cake out of the hands of a girl on the next bench, and I've therefore vowed never to eat anything in public ever again. Or at least, not within about 100 miles of the sea.

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