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quarterly round townie deletion
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mary glass
mary glass

Sep-16-2006 10:24

there is a great variance between the older players and agencies
and those who came along later...a gap that perhaps is too hard
to close...might i suggest quarterly rounds where the townies are
deleted for all...the older players would still have the advantage of
money, experience points, general knowledge of the game but the
quarterly deletion of townies ( all players having to reacquire the
townie favors every 90 days ) would make the game more competitive among all players and add some challenge every 90
days for the older players...


Con Artist

Sep-16-2006 19:23

Ranier, Thank you SO much! You said exactly what I felt. We all started at the same place. We all started with NO contacts. Why should those of us who have been here longer (or worked harder to get them) be penalized just so that new detectives don't feel disadvantaged? My answer: We shouldn't. At one point, we were all where the new detectives are now. We put forth the effort and time to build our detectives. In my opinion, having contacts taken away would be the same as saying, "After X number of days your detective will be retired." My response to that would be very simple...why should I put forth the effort to build a detective (or a list of contacts) only to have them taken away? This is one change that would DEFINATELY make me (and others, I assume) leave the game for good. We see contacts as rewards for hard work. There is no good reason to take them away. Especially if it is simply to ease the ruffled feathers of some newbies. No disrespect meant, but seeing as how most of the players who are all for this are well under 100 days old, it is obvious this is favored by younger detectives, and not the older ones. Not to mention Greyling's point about the VHs. Those are hard enough without having to worry about when you will lose your contact and then regaining one. Sorry for the long post, the short and simple version: Bad Idea.

Con Artist

Sep-16-2006 19:35

Um, losing sleuth contacts = french revolution. WOW. you learn something everyday!

Con Artist

Sep-16-2006 19:36

And Mary, we're not against change in general, just this particular one. It serves no good purpose. And would cause many devoted and long-lived players to leave. I doubt Ben would do anything which would cause so many older players to jump ship.

Safety Officer

Sep-16-2006 19:37

"Viva la difference" Mary :D

Raven X
Raven X

Sep-16-2006 19:38

Mary, you have mentioned twice you are older than the 3 days on your detective page. Would you care to enlighten us as to your former identity?

It has been said before, between the random cases, the random physical evidence, and the random amout of questions each suspect and the 8 townies who are not your contact will answer, there is enough left to chance. Let us keep the one constant. When you complete several hundred AI cases on your own with only your 1 PE contact, then you can rally for a change.

Trey Lin
Trey Lin
Assistant Librarian

Sep-16-2006 19:41

(this is Andrea's alter ego--just to be clear)
Mary, I STILL don't get why you would think this would be a good idea. Loosing contacts will serve no real purpose, and even if it did level the playing field, it would just be punishing those who have worked harder longer.
If you are not a new player, as you claim to be, this should be very clear to you. If you have been here longer, you are more skilled. You want to be more skilled, stay here and play. In other word, "pay your dues", just like everyone else!

Con Artist

Sep-16-2006 19:48

*applauds trey*

Trey Lin
Trey Lin
Assistant Librarian

Sep-16-2006 19:53

*takes a bow*

*blushes becasue she got carried away*

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