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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.


Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Aug-20-2009 10:00

Hard isn't my limit. Really Hard may be but not Hard. And I can get stupendous ones too.

luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Aug-22-2009 14:31

In the spirit of getting what you wish for, here goes:

Luc takes Sir William by the hand and sits him down to an all-week marathon of SpongeBob Squarepants and Barney the Dinosaur. He's not bored during that week but by the end of it, he has no brain cells left.

I wish i could go fly a kite with the boys (kite tied to one of their collars of course so they can follow it wherever it goes).

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Aug-23-2009 07:23


You the kite to a shirt collar. then you realize no one is wearing the shirt. It floats off.

I wish for a Mars bar.

luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Aug-23-2009 15:06

Wrong collar! My Great Pyrenees don't wear shirts, just collars...

NASA yanks you out of your office. Normally you'd have time to prepare for this, but they're in a hurry to get the next Mars landing probe up and at it, and after all, you did volunteer (s0rt of). Within 6 hours you have left the atmosphere; you now have to wait a few months (or years) to get to your destination. Talk about an opportunity for lost luggage...

Once you land, the Martians pounce on you like Missy on filet mignon. They haven't had any visitors in YEARS. First stop, the local watering hole, aka the Roving Rover. After ordering you a local favorite, a Mars Attacks (made with Curacao, pineapple juice and 'you don't want to know what'), you discover than the social life here on Mars, uh, needs an adjustment. Just because you are the new arrival in town does NOT mean that earth guys are easy, contrary to local opinion. The next morning (37 hours later) you wake up in a sleazy hotel, hung over, with no cash, and (drumroll please) no pants. How you're going to get home (or at least back to the Rover--the spaceship this time) is a mystery that consumes the rest of your life. Remember to avoid any bar fights--those laser thingies smart!

I wish my Great Pyrenees would lose his fascination with my shoes.

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Aug-23-2009 17:26

Yes, luc, your wonderful doggies did lose their fascination with your shoes, and instead they are now always interested at your feet. They're licking them so much, it feel like having a foot massage every single second (but it's wet! and DON'T BITE...NOT!) LOL.
(great twist on Mars bar by the way!)

I wish for world peace... :-)

Old Shoe

Aug-24-2009 23:22

FREEDOM! It's a world of laughter, a world of cheers, and a world where someone hated disney so much they sliced off Mickey's ears. But you go, Van Gogh...everyone likes a guy who's into respecting the extremities. You know that baby song that goes "head and shoulders, knees and toes...knees and toes...knees and toes"? Sure you do. It's your anthem. And you get to sing it on the first ever REAL WORLD PEACE DAY! How cool is that, yo?

Sadly, you only get through a few bars when Noah realizes his ark is a metaphor for a womb, and that thus, he is merely a metaphor for a woman. Ugliness ensues, and you have to spend a week smelling like bibles, birdcages and lady secret. But that's okay, cause you're strong enough for a man but made for a woman.

I wish I had a really big boat.

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Aug-27-2009 06:29

You have a really big boat. However, it is made of mud and sinks as soon as you get on it.

I wish for an opportunity to play my new mystery board game.

luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Aug-28-2009 11:02

Poof! You receive an opportunity to play your new mystery board game (no fairy godmother needed). Unfortunately, this is a mystery board game in the old sense of mystery. In a twist strangely akin to the Harry Potter chess thing, the pieces come alive, eat the board and then have no idea where to go so they begin gnawing on you. Makes you wish it was Missy, don't it, so you could distract her with a nice steak. You don't have 8 steaks though, so you'll just have to put up with being nibbled on until you can return the game...

I know, i've wished for this before. But i wish someone would come over and do my homework (or my housework, take your pick). Have fun with the Feynman!

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Aug-30-2009 10:53

Someone comes around to your house and does your homework. Then your laundry. Then turns into a giant dog and barks at you. When you wake up, Missy has done your homework... Or, to be exact, done something on it...

I wish there was another expansion to Red Alert 2 (yes, I said 2!!)

Kyle XY Rocks
Kyle XY Rocks
Pinball Amateur

Aug-31-2009 22:50

You get the expansion. When you get it home and put it in Your system catches a virus that Coppleman forgot to check for. So you system crashes and blows up. Now who to blame? That Darned COPPLEMAN!

I wish i had The New Nancy Drew game Warnings at Waverly Academy.(it does not come out till october):(

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