^<V Game!
Agent Andrew
Sep-3-2006 01:42
The rules are quite simple...
^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.
Replies |
Apr-4-2007 12:54
^ secretly planning to take over the world
< hates being sick
v likes Mexican food
Shady Guy in the Back
Apr-6-2007 16:11
^ Secretly helping Crunchy take over the World
< Is someone else on these forums
v Will never reveal my secret identity
Old Shoe
Apr-7-2007 01:05
^really, really overestimating my aspirations because in lieu of world domination I'd settle for a room-temperature falafel
< has no clue who ^ is when ^ is not in ^'s super secret fullbody wraparound disguise with the hidden control-top pantyhose painted to look like a bunch of Zebra's giving Zebra love to some other, less assertive zebras.
v likes stripes. Or horses. Or striped horses. Or horse strips.
Apr-10-2007 21:58
^ thinks "world domination" is a kinky S&M term involving multiple participants, extra crunchy peanut butter, and a aging squirrel.
< tries much too hard to impress people through his posts.
v believes happiness is extremely overrated.
Old Shoe
Apr-10-2007 22:11
< rinses (pessimistically...*sigh* this 'Pert' will NEVER come off my scalp)
v repeats
Miranda Belle
Apr-11-2007 00:27
< rinses (pessimistically...*sigh* this 'Pert' will NEVER come off my scalp)
v repeats
Old Shoe
Apr-11-2007 05:48
< rinses (pessimistically...*sigh* this 'Pert' will NEVER come off my scalp)
v repeats
Apr-12-2007 15:18
^ follows like sheep
< is breaking the evil chain of hair washing!
v hunts llamas in the desert
Old Shoe
Apr-16-2007 00:46
^cheated by wearing a bathing cap.
< needs to buy some bathing cap lube.
v has felt the pain of an itchy scalp
Safety Officer
Apr-17-2007 00:12
^ doesn't use the bathing cap lube for his bathing cap...
< wishes he could scrub his minds eye right now
v will not mention back hair plaiting or any dermatological complaint of any kind