^<V Game!
Agent Andrew
Sep-3-2006 01:42
The rules are quite simple...
^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.
Replies |
Sep-13-2006 01:20
^Still looks like a kid to me. ;)
< Is verrrrrryyy probably older than Sunny.
V Will definitely improve on this response.
Old Shoe
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Old Shoe
Sep-13-2006 01:53
ugh. how lame^ has owned several yo-yo's
<meant prior response to be before cynderbear's but took too long *shakes fist angrily at internet*
V owns a tamborine
Sep-13-2006 02:02
^Knows me all too well---and a balalaika
< Also is a lyricist for a internet band. :)
V Has something amazing to share.
Lucky Stiff
Sep-13-2006 04:26
^must know that I am too interesting for words
<just learned that "biggie" means "piggie" in Dutch
v will actually have their eyes open (i do not)
Sep-13-2006 11:59
^is looking at a great boxing career
<loves to ring the bill
v will buy tickets for biggie's next "fight of the night"
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Sep-13-2006 12:42
^ must like boxing
< - wonders what "ring the BILL" means ;)
v will be someone who has already posted here (like me lol)
Clara Dark
Sep-13-2006 14:57
^ has a great avatar
< is currently fighting with mosquitos (and losing)
v can't sleep at night when there's a mosquito in the room, like me :)
Safety Officer
Sep-13-2006 16:58
^ needs a mosquito net
< got up on the wrong side of bed and wishes he didn't work with so many thick people!
v needs coffee like me!
Sep-13-2006 18:25
^has a strong conviction that underwear stuffed with taco is a sign of virility
< wants a portable bar as well
v is hoping to get some sexy lingerie out of Shangri-La :)