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Shady Character in the back of the bar...

Moonlit Kisses
Moonlit Kisses

Aug-15-2006 16:08

Ok so I had a false accusation on my record a couple days ago and when I looked at how much it would be to clear it, it said $400. Now I got a second false accusation and I went to go and "fix" my record, but now it says it's over $5000! Does it calculate the cost by taking a percentage of your money, or does it just get higher and higher are your experience grows? I want to be able to do some cases to earn money to pay it, but I'm afraid it will go up more and I will be unable to pay it. :( Anybody know how this works?


Old Shoe

Aug-15-2006 16:20

Higher and higher as your experience grows.

Moonlit Kisses
Moonlit Kisses

Aug-15-2006 18:25

yikes, I guess I'll just pay the guy hehe. thanks for the info :)

Reese Withers
Reese Withers

Aug-15-2006 22:08

If u already have two falses, it is a great idea to pay him because once u get false #3, you won't have to worry about how high his costs are....... your detective will be retired :)

Old Shoe

Aug-16-2006 04:06

How much does the charge increase per xp point?

R Anstett
R Anstett

Aug-16-2006 04:25

There is no known formula for determining exact cost for Shady.

There does not seem to be a ceiling on the cost either. I do not think that Remington Steele wants to experiment to see just how high the cost can be.


Aug-16-2006 05:03

Well, if I remember right, the first false will set you at $400 where it stays until you've passed that in terms of the following formula which is currently 1,2 times the exp. of a case until you reach 10,000. After that it's 1/5th the exp. of a case. That should count for NY and Shanghai, and I think London as well. Delhi, however, is cheaper, but I haven't bothered to check out the formula there - yet ;)

Battered Shoe

Aug-16-2006 06:16

Sorry Greyling, am confused. 1/5th the experience of a case? So for an AI that would be 1/5 of 5120 which is (breaks 1024? Does that get multiplied by something else? Because I have paid much more than that in my career(s). Much, much, much more! Fortunately, I'm not at all bitter.


Aug-16-2006 06:38

Oops sorry, I was heading out the door and forgot to put in that it accumulates. So yes, after an AI, what you owe Shady should go up by $1024. Unfortunately you never go back and start from zero once you pay him, it just keeps accumulating from how much you owed him at the time of paying him off. Then when you get a new false and can see once again how much he's asking, it'll be what you payed + the mentioned formula for every case you've done in the meantime, and so it continues upwards and upwards and upwards :)

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