Happy Birthday Nikkie (Jstkdn)
Lady Emerald Devon
May-26-2006 05:18
Runs into City Hall in a robe and her cup of coffee after just waking up.
"Where's the party?"
Noticing that she is either too early or too late, she decides to throw her own party for the Queen of Avatars, Sleuth Chief Jester, Moderator, Sleuth Chat Supreme Emperor (ress) and All-Round Great Gal, Nikkie.
She puts up strings of Fairy Lights everywhere around Town Hall and in the canals that run around City Hall for this great occasion she places floating candles.
Putting up tables all around three sides of a great space for dancing, she leaves one side for a LONNNGGGG GREEAAATT bar where all of Sleuth's Finest Bartenders can play. She sets up a stage for entertainment and issues invites to all in Sleuth.
Happy Birthday Birthday Nikkie,
May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you.
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rain fall soft upon your fields.
And may you be in heaven a full half hour
before the devil knows your dead.
All the best, Nikkie. You're a great person and I hope the next years are even bettter than the last.
Replies |
Rhiemma Moon
May-27-2006 05:14
Rhie watched as the birthday girl blew out her candles and made her wish. It warmed her heart to see so many well-wishers getting together. 'This is what community is all about,' she thought as she sipped on her drink. 'Long time residents mingling with the new, rival agencies mingling and discussing strategies or just bsing. It's been a really great night.'
This party reminded her of just how many people had come into her life and changed it for the better with nothing more than a kind word or timely piece of advice. People who had taken the time to talk to a raw newbie and those who had become close friends during the time she had been here had made a great impact on her life. 'Gads,' she thought, 'I'm getting maudlin! A few too may scotch and sodas, Rhie.'
The party was breaking up in the wee hours of the morning. Rhie finished her drink with a silent toast to Nikkie and her accomplishments as well as her birthday and decided to wander out with some of the last of those to go.
May-27-2006 06:19
Goeie naand, mooie slaap!
May-27-2006 13:10
LilRach slides into the room, realizing she is very late.
"Stupid murderers, caused me to be late to yet another party. Sorry I'm late Nikkie, happy birthday!"
She quickly drops a new bottle of Jack on the present table and looks around to see who is all here...
May-28-2006 05:18
I guess Im even later...
Oh well, same time (ahhm earlier), same place next year?
Trelane Rahl
May-28-2006 06:53
Murderers and people trying to assassinate me, made me even later. dodged 3 attempts on my life the other day. I'm starting to think clients are hiring me just to kill me.
Alphonse Schade
May-28-2006 12:16
Alphonse receives the invitation and went to the party. There he went to Lady Emereld and greeted her.
Later, he went to Nikkie and wished her a happy birthday.
May-28-2006 14:57
Slipping in with B'lated B'Day wishes, we remain Dickie Tracy and RosieS. Glad it was happy, jstkdn!
Skip Brubaker
May-31-2006 17:03
Awaking from a three day stupor... Happy Birthday Nikki... Sorry for being late