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Happy Birthday Nikkie (Jstkdn)
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Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

May-26-2006 05:18

Runs into City Hall in a robe and her cup of coffee after just waking up.

"Where's the party?"

Noticing that she is either too early or too late, she decides to throw her own party for the Queen of Avatars, Sleuth Chief Jester, Moderator, Sleuth Chat Supreme Emperor (ress) and All-Round Great Gal, Nikkie.

She puts up strings of Fairy Lights everywhere around Town Hall and in the canals that run around City Hall for this great occasion she places floating candles.

Putting up tables all around three sides of a great space for dancing, she leaves one side for a LONNNGGGG GREEAAATT bar where all of Sleuth's Finest Bartenders can play. She sets up a stage for entertainment and issues invites to all in Sleuth.

Happy Birthday Birthday Nikkie,

May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you.
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rain fall soft upon your fields.

And may you be in heaven a full half hour
before the devil knows your dead.

All the best, Nikkie. You're a great person and I hope the next years are even bettter than the last.



May-26-2006 07:23

Gradbeth joins in the singing with Greyling.

Congrats Nikkie!! And Happy Berfday!!!!

May your senseo always work
May the garden gnomes spruce up your yard with no effort from you
May Cyrus stop giving away all your little secrets
And most of all may you have the most rocking day ever!!!!


Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

May-26-2006 08:01

Lady Emerald Devon, dressed this time, hugged Beth and gave her a drink "Still waiting for that Gorgeous Birthday Girl to make an appearance though" she said as in walked...

Themis Indhira
Themis Indhira

May-26-2006 08:09



May-26-2006 08:16

Realizing how late she was, Gunnhild runs down the street, barely dodges a flying knife that was thrown at her, she swears a little bit because she left a case in the middle, but damn, we can't miss this important party! Apparently, it 's not just anyone, so she keeps on running. Opening the door, everyone looks at her, sweating but with a huge smile on her face. Nikkie laughs and pours her a glass of fresh cold juice, we all laugh and reach for the cake. Not long from now we'll be singing happy birthday to Nikkie, kissing and hugging and then, and just then, the real crash party begins!

Kisses Nikkie, happy birthday gal! ;)

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-26-2006 08:31

Quietly slips in leaves a small card with a balloon on the front then leaves.

Happy Birthday JST

Terrance Zorn
Terrance Zorn
Lucky Stiff

May-26-2006 08:41

Runs in and throws a present on the table "Happy Birthday Nikkie, gotta run those damn Doomdsayers are still after me!"

As Zorn ran out he zoomed past....


May-26-2006 08:44

He arrives in his formal dress only to find an eligant woman standing amoung in her bathrobe.

"Your Ladyship its was so nice of you to invite me, but I say that my visit here will be very brief, congradulations on your birthday."

"I bid you farewell..."

Logan Creed
Logan Creed

May-26-2006 08:54

“Hey, was that Zorn? I was just looking for him. Anyway, from everyone at Hitchhikers, happy birthday, Nikkie!”

Gently places a brand new towel on the present table.

Lady Hoshiko Returns
Lady Hoshiko Returns

May-26-2006 10:04

Lady Hoshiko (in Delhi) receives invitation from Postal Clerk.. "Oh dear, it's jstkdg's birthday!~ I probably won't be able to catch a train/cruiseto reach New York in time for the party..."

She decides to buy a birthday card in the Post Office...

"Dear Nikkie (jstkdg),
A very Happy Birthday to you!~ May you have an enjoyable day ahead!~ ^_^

You probably don't know who I am, but I've heard of your great name, & have read many of your posts.. Would love to join you all at New York, but unfortunately I can't catch a train/cruise in time.. Enjoy yourself!~ =)

Best Regards,
Lady Hoshiko"

She inspects the card & makes sure there isn't any spelling/grammatical errors, then passes it to the Postal Clerk & wishes it will reach New York in time...

Lady Hoshiko Returns
Lady Hoshiko Returns

May-26-2006 10:04

Lady Hoshiko (in Delhi) receives invitation from Postal Clerk.. "Oh dear, it's jstkdg's birthday!~ I probably won't be able to catch a train/cruiseto reach New York in time for the party..."

She decides to buy a birthday card in the Post Office...

"Dear Nikkie (jstkdg),
A very Happy Birthday to you!~ May you have an enjoyable day ahead!~ ^_^

You probably don't know who I am, but I've heard of your great name, & have read many of your posts.. Would love to join you all at New York, but unfortunately I can't catch a train/cruise to reach New York in time for your birthday party.. Have a great day & enjoy yourself!~ =)

Best Regards,
Lady Hoshiko"

She inspects the card & makes sure there isn't any spelling/grammatical errors, then passes it to the Postal Clerk & wishes it will reach New York in time...

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