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Apr-9-2006 22:34
(sticky post)


If you wish to enjoy the adventure of figuring out this game on your own, DO NOT read the rest of this post.

If you are too lazy to read through a page or two of threads to see if your question has already been asked a zillion times, then PLEASE read this first!

Welcome to Sleuth, and your new addiction.  There is no cure, so just accept it and enjoy it! Here are a few tips and hints that you should find helpful, and are among the FAQ of the newbie boards.

First, a great place to FIND ANSWERS and cool history threads about Sleuth is in the Moderator Picks Board. The Mods have picked out their favorite bits and made them easy to find. In addition to personal favorites, try looking over the Newbie FAQ. This can be found on the bottom of most pages as a tiny little grey link. Also the Help file at the upper right of most screens is packed with little useful tidbits.

HOW DO I SOLVE a case? First off…we recommend that you try the tutorial found on the front of the case page. It won’t count against your daily caseload, and it will give you an idea of how the game works. It’s not set up to walk you through the most efficient course through the game, but to show you how the game works, leaving you to find your own strategy. The following formulas will help you find your murderer.

PE+Fake/"none of your business" Alibi=guilty
WE+Fake/"none of your business" Alibi=guilty
2 WE = guilty

PE=Physical Evidence WE=Witness Evidence

Having a clammed suspect that will not give you an alibi is not the same as a fake/none alibi.



Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

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Old Shoe

Feb-17-2007 22:23

This is a question that keeps coming up - I went back to July and amazingly, it appears we've left it off this, the best newbie thread ever. Anyways:

Question: what are these "sleuth themes" I keep reading about? How do I change mine? Does it affect my playing of the game in any way?

Answer (stolen from Ms. Helen Corning, who apparently stole it from someone else):

A theme is just a background, like a desktop background. You can change the "look" of your game by changing your theme. You can unlock themes as rewards, or you can buy them around town.
In other words it has no bearing on the game other than its look.

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Feb-17-2007 23:58

LOL Crunch, correct me if i'm wrong but i think i stole that from Ara Lives. Credit where credit is due and all that :)

Bacio del Lupo
Bacio del Lupo

Feb-27-2007 17:07

This is a great thread, but there is no way I can read the the top, all the way to the bottom!!! It's getting close to being a year old afterall... In the last few days stumbling around on my own I feel as though I've learned a lot, but this thread also filled in a few blanks.

And I just made this thread one more post longer!

Old Shoe

Feb-27-2007 23:30

You mean you don't want nearly a year of sleuthy sleuthy knowledge condensed into one E-Z to read thread? FINE then :P

Seriously, read the whole thing. I don't think theres anything anywhere in the game that is more useful to newer players.

Safety Officer

Feb-27-2007 23:37

one day cfm might go through it and clean it up. (notice not so subtle volunteering of someone other than himslef :D)

Bacio del Lupo
Bacio del Lupo

Feb-28-2007 11:13

Hey now, like I said, it is a great thread! So don't get me wrong, I do greatly appreciate having it here. It's just a lot to read, which I don't mind, but then you also have to read all the posts like this very one I'm yping now that doesn't have anything to do with how to play the game. Perhaps this thread needs a seperate "appreciation" thread and that's where people like me can post their thanks and well... appreciation for this thread =P

So bottom line, the first few pages are easy to read, but then it gets not so easy to read if that makes sense ;)


Mar-2-2007 10:44

If you erase all of the needless bumps and peices from these Newbie pages it wouldn't take two hours to read. And, I would only be reading information that is useful. Delete the post and threads (like this one) that are just filled with Hot Air and condense these pages for all Newbies on the block. I still haven't found what I am looking for.


Mar-6-2007 02:29

Good suggestion raven. We needed to use those bumps before we had a way to stick posts. But now they are not needed anymore. Ill try and delete some bumps from here.


Mar-6-2007 02:46

Ok I know I said I'll do this, but Im already in July and really asking myself why Im doing this...

I think I pushed delete and yes hundred times by now. So can someone else clean the bumps from july on? Please....

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