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What is your real profession?
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Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Apr-8-2006 08:43

I am just sitting here bored and wondered what everyones profession is.

Since its my thread I will go first.........

I am a U.S. Marine, my job in the Marines is Infantry and I really do enjoy it. I have been in for almost eight years but I'm going to get out soon and go into Law enforcement. I have always wanted to be a cop preferably a homicide detective cause I really like to put clues together to come up with a final solution.... Thats probably why Sleuth is so much fun for me. I have traveled to a few different countries like- Japan, Spain, Germany, Egypt, Africa, Kuwait, and yes Iraq. I would really like to travel to some other countries like the UK and Ireland and Scottland.

What about you?


Alejandra Holmes
Alejandra Holmes

Apr-11-2006 11:17

College student, studying Archeology and trying to study to become a P. eye.

Sarah Patrick
Sarah Patrick

Apr-11-2006 12:28

im am a college student studying law and forensic sciences

Della Devine
Della Devine

Apr-11-2006 13:12

Administrative Assistant to the Director of a Counseling Agency. And Sleuth addict. :) (they're wanting to prescribe electro-shock therapy)

Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Apr-20-2006 06:37

bump. I can do that its my thread.


Apr-21-2006 16:40

I was a law student, I was a lawyer, I quickly ran in to the other direction. :)
Officially I am senior strategic program manager of a pan-european company that delivers voip, digital television, broadband internet, and cable TV services.

Unofficially, in process of dragging the company that I used to work for to court. To combine both my current profession and my old. :) :) :)

After that I want to achieve world domination.


Apr-21-2006 16:47

I am a learning and development professional at the U.S.' 39th largest company. That doesn't say much about what I do, so I'll tell you about my current project. Our company wants to standardize and improve performance management throughout our global locations and I am co-leading that project. So I'm trying to figure out how to get people to give two-way feedback in performance reviews, establish more formal career development, set S.M.A.R.T. goals, etc. Its fun! I love my job. :)

Old Shoe

Apr-21-2006 19:32

Technically, I'm a student...

But I do the whole "acting" thing 'on the side.'


Apr-22-2006 01:43

Dancer, dance teacher and choreographer.


Apr-22-2006 23:36

I'm in med school, I barely get time to scratch my back let alone play sleuth!


Apr-23-2006 17:01

*scratches Hendix back*

Look ma, I scratched a complete strangers back. :)

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