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How to buy stuff??!
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Mar-22-2006 13:51

How do you use your money? Can you buy hats and shoes and such? Please answer back. Thanks!


Safety Officer

Mar-22-2006 17:44

Mmm what Ara. said about bribes and Shady esp. I shoulda said too :) Good to hold some money back in reserve, and don't blow it all on equipment first up. Shady is a killer when you first start out [if you make false accusations that is - I can only speak from bitter experience] and it's frustrating to have to sell your nice new equipment off cheap to pay him out. :)

Talianna Periwinkle
Talianna Periwinkle

Mar-22-2006 18:02

Oh yeah, I've had experience with that.

Someone gave me something nice when I did them a favor. I did two cases, acted irrational, next thing ya know, I'm there, staring at the screen as I saw the price. It wasn't much, but I had very little money then (I had to pay the stupid bribes as well). So I had to sell the item to pay him off!

Remember, when in doubt, quit! (he he, I stole that from someone, I think. sorry.) And make sure you have enough money to pay off any bribes. Some require a pretty good chunk for someone who's just starting (I've seen them from $100-$200, but I don't know, maybe as you go up, they get more expensive? I know that's true for Shady, but I dunno about bribes....)


Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Mar-22-2006 19:06

Almost Impossible level you will pay $500 for bribes :)

As far as detective shop, no the gear in there isn't that helpful BUT when u are brand new, it IS helpful to THEM until they can get the better gear :) Anything is better than walking around naked *grin*

Carl Kershaw
Carl Kershaw
Old Shoe

Mar-23-2006 15:01

If you do decide to spend your money on items, make sure you spend it on "correct" items. I notice you are a very tough detective, so I hope you are using tough interview skills. Therefore, buy items with +Tough and +Smart skill only. In fact at low levels +Smart isn't really necessary. Getting +Charm won't help you, because it only increases your chances of success with charm interview skills.
Similarly, if you receive any items from a favour case that are +Charm, then you can safely sell them, because they are of no use to you.

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