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Equipment Suggestion
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Feb-27-2006 07:55

I think it would be great if agencies can sell each other extra equipment (thanks Reda for giving me this suggestion). Maybe we could check a piece of equipment in the lockerroom and set a price. Then, another Director can see this is available and click on it to buy it. The money would go to the agency's safe and the new equipment would go into the equipment lockerroom of the agency who purchased it.

I think this would be a great addition, especially for younger agencies.

So...what do you think?


Safety Officer

Feb-27-2006 20:04

I like the idea, and have always wondered what I'd do with that rack of Coats of the Gentle Warrior cluttering up the hallway.

However... I might be wrong, I am stuffed up with a cold, but does this give an advantage to those people in agencies as opposed to those people who are 'lone wolves' and just 'play'? I mean don't get me wrong individual players [like me :D] soon realise that creating an agency even just to store your stuff is the only way to fly! But it does give 'new' people snapped up in agencies an advantage over thoe people who don't want to be an agency... this would be an advantage on things like the leader boards etc but still to some people that might actually count?

It's just a thought, since we've been striving for an even playing field recently ... :)

Safety Officer

Feb-27-2006 20:34

oops I came back to retract the above... If a mod. wants to delete it please feel free. Otherwise may it stand as a monument to my stupidity. *sneezes* (I think I'll just stick to trying to hatch my Rasputin's Egg from now on!)


Feb-28-2006 18:17

I'd like the idea if there was equipment that was rare, or one of a kind. But since all there is to it to get equipment is doing the work, I don't think short cuts are a good idea. It's part of the fun in building an agency.

If we want team spirit, people should make friends in other agencies, and go pick it up there. I did it with a top hat once.

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Mar-1-2006 14:16

I think the equipment situation is just fine as it is. It takes a little more effort and creativity to get certain items, and figuring it all out is part of the fun of the game.


Mar-17-2006 14:15

I like the idea of selling items but i think it should be an auction a bit like ebay... could be fun... (sorry to show how sad I am but i do have an excuse as I used to look after chilren) neopets have something like that and its a lot of fun.

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