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Side Bar
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Skyler Michaels
Skyler Michaels

Jan-20-2005 14:05

I love the new logos on the map they look cool. However do you think we could have the sidebar back with all the symbols back. It was so easy to go down the side bar checking all your alibis and stuff like that. Now ya got to look all over the map for everyone. on the side bar ya could just go down each side to check everything like you go bar waitress fortune teller tailor and mt then ya check everything down the other side made things easy.
Just a thought maybe i'm the only one who misses the side bar. keep the same new logos just add them to the side bar. Just a thought.



Jan-23-2005 00:25

Oops....sidebar..hehe! Oh yes, I love the overall changes. Thanks Ben.

Sam the Rose
Sam the Rose
Old Shoe

Jan-23-2005 03:44

I always wondered if anyone else ever used the map at all since the sidebar was so much easier to use, in my opinion, anyway.

I prefer having the sidebar, but I'll live with the change. The icons are beautiful.

Thanks for getting rid of the bloody meat cleaver.
It grossed me out.

R Sweets
R Sweets

Jan-23-2005 21:52

I like the new icons, but I do hope it is possible to put teh side bar back and keep the new icons.

Old Shoe

Jan-24-2005 18:59

Ok, Ben, I see 13 official signers. There are many other supporters, too. Come on, Ben. Please bring it back. *Sad, puppy dog look*

Skyler Michaels
Skyler Michaels

Jan-24-2005 20:39

Me thinks Ben is hiding from us not even a response on this issue. ohhhh Beeeen come out come out where ever you are oli oli oxen free.


Jan-25-2005 05:16

I donno, maybe without the side bar, the map loads faster for a lot of people. It is hard to say, the map does load MUCH faster, but it could also be because of the new icons.

Perhaps Ben has a reason, that is all I am saying.

Old Shoe

Jan-25-2005 15:11

I'm gonna PM him. I won't spam PM him, just PM him. (But if it doesn't work, I may have to spam PM) :)

Who's with me?

Andrea Spedding
Andrea Spedding

Jan-25-2005 17:09

Mayyyyybe it's because we're going to get funky new maps for the new cities? I LIKE the sidebar but I LOVE the idea of more game!


Jan-26-2005 00:54

Yes, I am with Andrea on this. The sidebar issue pales in comparison with the great new features that are even now winging their way towards us.

And, as predicted, I /am/ adjusting to the locations of things now, even if I still sort of feel the Music Teacher should be on the bottom left of the map, somehow...

Surely all my fellow sidebar users are learning their way around again as well? Jojo? Skyler?


Jan-26-2005 02:28

yep! getting used to it moonsh.

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