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Contest: The Sleuth Noir Hunger Games
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Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Aug-20-2012 15:14

Heimlich VonVictor steps forward, a pink wig on his head, a smile on his aged face. He steps forward to the podium, taps the mic, and breathes once.

"Welcome one and all! Welcome, welcome! To the first annual Sleuth Noir Hunger Games!"

The crowd lets out a sigh.

"As you know," Heimlich continues, "two detectives from each agency (up to twelve participating) will be selected as tribute to compete against each other for the title of Hunger Games Champion!"


If you would like for your agency to compete in the first annual Sleuth Noir Hunger Games, please put your name in! The first twelve agencies to volunteer will receive a spot. Two detectives will be selected at the reaping to compete, of course, volunteers are always welcome.

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!


Wolf Girl 22
Wolf Girl 22

Aug-21-2012 08:06

I'd love to but I don't think there will be someone else getting on in my agency. I will ask though

Bonanza Jellybean
Bonanza Jellybean

Aug-21-2012 21:09

I am a big fan. Count the Switchblade Sisters of District 1 in, and I will volunteer as tribute!

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Aug-22-2012 07:46

We have our first confirmed district! May the odds be ever in your favor! On another note, we now have confirmation of prizes!

The winner of the Sleuth Noir Hunger Games will receive the following:

-A one year paid subscription to Sleuth Noir
-$500,000 in Sleuth Dollars to his or her district (agency)
-A special, one of a kind, commemorative piece of equipment

What a prize! Who will be brave enough to step forward?


Aug-22-2012 11:33

You can absolutely count on Dawn Of The Dead sending 2 tributes! (Names to come)

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Aug-22-2012 11:46

Dawn of the Dead from District 2 (yeah, your Careers motto is "booze, gamble, slay, screw"...GO TEAM) will be putting forth two tributes...

Myself, (Molly Maltese) and Serges.

Won't even know what hit them.

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Aug-23-2012 12:02

I've just had word from nic that she'd like Al Q to take part so count us in :)

Cassidy Sundance
Cassidy Sundance

Aug-23-2012 19:37

Question: When completing a task, does the tribute get to pick offense or defense? Or is it randomly done? Also, would it be possible to gain more points if your agency completes a three-city hunt?

Cassidy Sundance
Cassidy Sundance

Aug-23-2012 19:38

Oh - and Trey Lin from Switchblade Sisters volunteered as our second tribute. Let the games begin!

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Aug-23-2012 20:48

The tribute chooses which he or she wants. The only time they do not choose is with respect to twitter. The tweets will take the following format:

@[TBA], [tribute name], +[number] points to [offense/defense]

Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

Aug-24-2012 10:30

We have received an invitation and we would like to thank you Heimlich for your contest and efforts. Unfortunatelly after the negative experience from the last contest (My daughter as Vampirion received some negative remarks for not participating much and for low communication and we all know the story between Eden and Biggie) i have decited that i will not encourage any participation toany contest and i will only finansially support the good ones as a cosponsor. I would like to clarify that any Crypt member is absolutely free to participate as our core moral and ethics cornerstone is do what please you more in the game. I would had cosponsor your excellent event but i find that your awards are extremely good and motivating. I wish a great success in your contest

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