Scripted Mystery 2
Eden Zweig
Feb-17-2012 14:54
I have an SM case (inc. h.), where the game came to a dead end at the 5th suspect.
I am trying to understand what we can rely on scripted mysteries, other than common sense, cause what happens is this:
- You figure out the answers to some questions without asking, but the case forces you to ask the question anyway, cause it unlocks another level in the game, not only answering an obvious question but also introducing new suspects.
What I'm trying to say is the game determines the pacing, and asking your questions economically, that just doesn't depend on you.
Now I have a suspect who keeps clamming on the only question I have, townies won't yield a thing.
I previously solved a SM, where the guy who clammed answered my question when I backspaced and posed the question again (either that or I left the page/refreshed it, got back and asked the same question and this time got an answer)
But this guy will not "budge".
Is this one of the normalcies of SMs, should I quit it and try again, or is there something I'm most probably missing ?(city hall won't say a thing too)
Replies |
Eden Zweig
Feb-18-2012 15:30
I am having a hard time seeing your point:
Today I experimented with London SM's that ranged from intermediate to stupendiously hard cases, I solved all of them and I had to repeat two of them, and these SMs that I had to try twice to finally solve were hard level mysteries. I think this needs to be emphasized. The points I want to make are:
1. From what I have been reading in certain threads and PMs from veterans like you, tough+charm or chrm/smart + factions are two options and depending on players' choice, one is to follow the other in the game, not to mention acquisition of all the background skills are in priority. So in the end, you have them all. Only the order of skill-acquisition changes.
2. This means that, as long as you've accomplished said priority which option you pick shouldn't matter as to your success with cases, be it SM or RM. Otherwise, there would be no meaning to introducing variety in the game, as every one would favor one option over the other. So programmers make sure -according to certain criteria about which I faintly have an idea- different means help meet the same ends, right?
3. Meanwhile, these cases, SM or RM, have levels. So even if it is long before the user will have acquired all these skills, there are particular levels of cases, that the programmers ascertained to match the user's capability. So be it SM or RM, there is a case for everyone, correct?
4. Now, I have fair enough gear(that it wouldn't suffice was not confirmed by you),
I have charms and the smarts,
All I should worry about, the random variable in my case, is the levels of mysteries I choose to solve, right? I have nothing but common sense left to employ here.
And when I do that, I see no proportionality to case level vs success. So I conclude that there must be a significant level of randomness involved in the game.
If you have bore with me thus far, I sincerely thank you and repeat: What is it that I am missing?
Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter
Feb-18-2012 16:00
Allow me to...review my info and try to complete it a tad, adding also cfm's point of view.
Here's how I think things are: smarts is smarts and persuation is either charm or toughness. Smarts doesn't affect SMs in any way, as evidence is usually set to come out automatically in certain points of the play. I've noticed that in all SMs I played...but haven't played them all. So, when I'm talking about persuation in your case I mean highest rule bending skill, highest sweet talking skill and flirting. Note though that flirting works only on opposite sex...or at least that's how it should work according to its description, reason for which I believe tough builds have an edge over charm builds, as pugilism works equal no matter the gender. You have all these skills topped at max, so what you need now is to boost your charm points with your equipment. Your current cmbination of equipment is what I call "ballanced", meaning resonably high charm and reasonable smarts for csi. For good behavior in SMs I suggest making an equipment combination with charm over 25 and forget about smarts. I currently have 27 in toughness and I have no clams in SMs.
Regarding the tough/charm check, I believe that's supposed to work by changing equipment. Let's say you find out suspect X reacts better to charm than to a tough approach. If the case is high difficulty that doesn't mean he will react the same to...say...20 points in tough or 10 points in charm. In my opinion this means that with 20 points in charm you have a better chance to open him than with an equal number of points in toughness. This is just a personal theory though. However, by going on this assumption, being a charmer or a bruiser shouldn't affect your success on an SM unless it is built that way...and...to my knowledge only Joseph Zeo was trying to do that at one point in time.
Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter
Feb-18-2012 16:05
One important point that I have to make however is that I do not know how a suspect is built to respond differently to charm or toughness while building an SM (as mechanics I mean). When Zeo was building his mystery we talked about setting suspects with different reactions to skill types. The principle was that a tough based player would get a clam on a certain suspect, but open another one and receive the necessary piece of info to move the case ahead. I am however sorry to say I don't know how his mystery turned out in the end as this happened during the time I left the game back a couple of years ago.
So, bottom line...and with the risk of repeating myself: get equipment with charm over 25 and you should have no problems.
Eden Zweig
Feb-18-2012 18:57
Ok, thatbit about the equipment... That's exactly what I asked in my second post in this thread I guess, I started to think it might not be that important till you replied it. Thank you very much.
Changing equipment is also a gaming strategy, I have to save money and shop for a flat end keep moving the flat should I stay outside of my HQ long enough, I guess... So I cannot really test a suspect the way you said unless I'm in my HQ :(
Eden Zweig
Feb-18-2012 18:58
Finally, thank you cfm and Joey, I had it all cleared in my mind.
Feb-18-2012 20:25
I'm by no means a Scripted Mystery pro. Heck, I've been gone so long I'm hardly a pro on anything but what would be considered basics anymore!
Here are the two things I do know about Scripted Mysteries. 1) SM's are generally more difficult than their street case counter part. 2) SM's don't necessarily follow street case laws. They can screw with the usual pattern in a number of ways.
In the end, it's a little bit of luck and a lot of hard work. Best wishes in your SM adventures!
Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter
Feb-19-2012 02:04
One final piece of advice if you'll allow me: that apartment moving plan is going to beed your pockets dry, mate. Just have your apartment in a different city than your agency, thus covering two cities with smarts equipment, and for the others use a combination like you're using now. Only use the rags persuation boost when you do SMs.
Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter
Feb-19-2012 02:10
Oh...one more thing to add regarding your property moving around idea: it works best with a low rent agency, but your arse is going to get kinda' lonely if you do that.
Eden Zweig
Feb-19-2012 09:44
I had no idea moving apartments was so expensive! I once read tha you could move it, is all.
Thanks for the pieces of advice, I have no complaints, on the contrary I appreciate them very much. (you might find it wearisome, though)
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