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CONTEST: Survivor Sleuthville
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Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Oct-1-2009 22:03

Do you have what it takes to outlast all others? Do you think you can rise above the rest and stand out as the ultimate contender? Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to Survivor: Sleuthville!

10 Detectives enter, face off against each other in a different challenge every week, and the last left standing will be crowned Sleuth Noir Survivor! The winner will walk away with a one-year subscription to Sleuth Noir and bragging rights over the entire community. The rules are simple:

1. The first ten Detectives to post an entry will be entered and placed on two teams of five.

2. It's advisable to be subscribed. Some of the challenges may require travel, and if you can't participate, it's likely your team will vote you off at elimination. I won't bar anyone based on this, but it's your call.

3. The losing team at the end of each event will have to vote off one member. To do that each team member will submit a PM to me, which will remain anonymous with the name of the person he or she is voting for, and a short reason why. It can be as simple as-

Name: Heimlich VonVictor
Why: He didn't write any of the poem. It's no wonder we lost!

4. Challenges will be one week long and a winner will be announced at the end, in the event of a tie, a coin will be flipped.

5. Anyone may enter including mods, editors, or even Ben and Sunny themselves if they so choose.

6. The contest will begin when all ten detectives have entered and been placed on teams. It will conclude after nine weeks of elimination challenges.

That's all! Get out there and outwit, outplay, and outlast!


Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Nov-9-2009 07:36

Well, I guess since it won you all might as well take a looksie...

Preview 1547
Author: Anais Nin
"What is the world coming to when people kill over forgotten birthdays?" I wondered aloud as I stared at the picture of Oscar Abeyta, the man I had just delivered to a jail cell, before I scrawled the words "Case Closed" at the bottom of the file folder and slid it into the back of the Solved Cases drawer.

It was late Friday night, almost eleven pm, and the streets were quite- well, as quite as streets ever are in New York City. I had just gotten back from delivering the murderer to the police station, and was looking forward to me weekend. I felt like a bit of fun after my long, tiring week.

"Big Lucy's sounds good," I said to myself as I slipped into my coat and dropped my hat on my head. "And tomorrow the Boardwalk."

Suddenly, jarringly, my phone started to ring. I stared at it in despair.

"Do I really want to answer that?" I asked myself, already abandoning the door and walking to the desk. "No," I replied, as I picked up the phone.

"Hello? Detective? Glad I caught you!" the voice on the other end said jovially.

"Yes, I'm here, what do you want?" I inquired grumpily.

"Well, you know that murderer you just brought us? He's dead. Murdered it looks like. He had quite a few visitors, and one of them might have done it. Want the case? Him Aunt says she will pay you," the police lieutenant told me.

I groaned. I could use the dough. "I'll be over in a jiff."

Fifteen minutes later, I was shoved into a little used storage closet at the station. A timid looking woman with short, curly mousy brown hair and a heavy figure sat, clutching a handkerchief. She stood, held out her right hand, shook mine briskly, and sat back down.

"I am Marlena Abeyta, Oscar Abeyta's Aunt. The lieutenant mentioned me to you, I believe?"

Con Artist

Nov-9-2009 09:27

Thanks all! So this how it feels like to win? Suddenly I do not know what to do now. No tribal council, no voting...

Con Artist

Nov-9-2009 09:30

Congrats to Anais Nin. And congrats to my team mate, Violet Parr for getting 5 points. :)

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Nov-9-2009 10:52

Ms. Nin, I have to say I just love the opening line to your intro!

Safety Officer

Nov-9-2009 14:54

good thing about htis comp was that there's a host of fresh new intro's out there. I know Comanche at least did one for every city :)

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Nov-9-2009 17:05

Welcome to your first elimination Lenape tribe! It looks like this one was a bit tough for you and you went down swinging. In any event, it’s time to say goodbye to one of your teammates. The votes have been tallied and the non-immune contestant who received the largest number of votes was… Vulkie3.

Vulkie, the consensus among your fellow tribe members is that they felt your contributions to the challenges have been small in comparison to the other tribe members. Unfortunately it looks like you’re the first Lenape to go. I’ve doubled checked the votes, and regretfully they tell us, but firmly they compel us, to say goodbye to you. This one’s for you Vulkie.

With that, ladies and gentleman, 25% of the contestants have been voted off. Who will go next? What will the next challenge be? Stay tuned to find out in just a few minutes!

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Nov-9-2009 17:56

CHALLENGE #5 â€" Veterans’ Affairs

So you think you’ve got it all figured out? You know how to bring the newbies in. You know how to get them to subscribe. You know how to solve cases with an expert touch. You’ve even added a little more spice to the mysteries! Well there’s one thing you’ve overlooked, and that’s the fact that there were people here before you. Yeah, that’s right, people here long before you arrived!

These people, well let’s just say they figured everything out a long time ago, and they don’t take too kindly to your kind moving in on their territory! Now what are you gonna do about it? Eh? What’s that? You’re gonna show them? You’re gonna give ‘em something they’ve never seen before? That’s it!

In this challenge, your task will be to impress the veterans of Sleuth Noir. Having climbed the highest peak of the mountain more times than they can count, the greybeards, who have become jaded with the game, eagerly await your input.

You mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a proposal to keep older players active and interested in the game. This may take the same form as the proposal used in challenge #1 or you may convey your ideas through different mediums such as graphics, songs, videos, or anything your imagination may devise!

Entries are due at 18:00 SST on November 16, 2009. You will be judged by a panel of Sleuth Noir veterans, who will be offering their own unique blend of expertise and critique on what they feel keeps them interested.

Good luck teams! Get out there and outwit, outplay, and outlast!

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Nov-9-2009 18:32

This week one of the biggest things on my mind has been my grandfather's health. He was taken to the hospital complaining of chest pains. After an x-ray, it was found that he has lung and bone cancer. We were optimistic considering treatment and moved him into a new assisted living facility on Friday.

On Friday we went to visit him in the hospital and he was barely conscious. His doctor informed us that he had developed pneumonia and suffered a heart attack at some point in the last twenty-four hours. His doctor said he was essentially in a coma and may not live through the weekend.

On Sunday, my entire family went to visit him, and he was 100% better. He was awake, talking, laughing, and watching football. He even knew enough that he disliked the Green Bay Packers. I can't thank everyone enough for their prayers and kind thoughts. He's not out of the woods yet, but we are so grateful to see how much better he's doing.

I'm sure as many of you know Veterans' day is this Wednesday in the United States. When I scrapped the original Challenge #5, I had no idea what I would replace it with. My grandfather is a naval veteran of World War II and has always highly regarded the holiday and its importance. My choosing of this competition, during this week, with that name is no mistake. This challenge is named for all those who have served our countries over the years.

In honor of them, I'm going to post a link where anyone who wishes to may make a donation to Disabled American Veterans. If you would like to make a donation then please do. If not here, then to the military NPO of your choosing :)

miss snopes
miss snopes

Nov-13-2009 09:32

Heim, I am so glad to hear your grandfather is doing better. I will keep him in my prayers. Please keep us posted on his progress.

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Nov-16-2009 18:07

The Comanche Tribe Proposal

We propose two main methods to keep older players active and to generate general interest.

I â€" Community Driven Interest

We believe that one great way to keep veterans interested in the game is to continually have a more lively community. Welcoming and guiding newbies is one way that sleuth is actually excellent at as a site. There are many players dedicated to answering newbie questions and helping in guiding them through the game.

Also, contests have proven to be one of the most interesting of the happenings on the message boards with the community. We propose to have a moderator, whether an existing one or a new one to be in charge of contests in sleuthville and either take part in the organizing or just the encouragement and supervision of others to take charge.

For example, the Sleuth Noir Survivor has in itself generated a lot of interest in the game and convinced older players to step out of the shadows and become active contributors in the game. Sleuth Noir Survivor is a skills-based contest. Other past highly successful ones have included Sleuth March Madness -a popularity contest basically that generated much interest, community interactions and fun- as well as the Sleuth Beauty Pageant -a beauty contest that generates an equal amount of interests.

We propose that contests like these and others are organised to take place in seasons so that older players, for example, can always have Season 2 of the Sleuth Noir Survivor to look forward to as well as any other possible future games.

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