The any location place :)
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Dec-22-2008 10:32
((this is a thread that can be about anything....at any location, instead of having a specific place and having to skip around threads. Except for the USS Sleuthtania...that can be kept as its own when on ship))
((I copied and pasted Acemasters last update in the USS thread to here..since Mak is no longer on the ship))
Replies |
Dec-24-2008 11:36
"Hiya, Makaroni!" Ace shouted as Mak came out the door.
"Don't you ever," She played, "EVER call me ANY type of food EVER again!"
That gave a hearty from both of them as Mak got in the cab Ace had been in.
"Chez Fromage, driver." Ace told the man at the wheel.
"What took you so long, Tooo-ny?" Mak smiled.
Ace leaned over and whispered, "Incidentally, this is the slowest cab driver I've ever seen in my life. Is he an 83 year old woman, Mak-N-Zeeeee?" The last part he said loudly. This made Mak giggle.
The restaurant wasn't far away, but it felt like ages before they arrived.
Clift was getting a tad impatient when they both walked in the door.
"Hey, what took you guys so long?" He asked.
"The cabdriver drives like a 102 year old woman." Mak told him.
"He actually slowed down," Ace said, "On the way to Mak's, he was only 83!"
Clift laughed, as Ace pulled out Mak's chair, then sat down himself.
Conversation was interesting enough, but all three detectives were a bit nervous. Clift wasn't sure how he felt about Mak, and also wasn't sure how much he liked her new relationship. Ace knew he liked Mak very much, and was worried about Clift coming back into her life, especially when he's just getting to know her. Finally, Mak was apprehensive of the fact that two handsome guys whom she likes very much are sitting at the same table as her, but she just wants to put men out of her mind.
This made conversation drift all around. All talk of love was banished from the table, so was talk of men, beauty, and eventually, even woman. The only woman anyone talked about now was the men's sisters. Finally, the evening was taken up by amazing stories about the old Broadway; funny things that happened to Scarlett, Vivienne and Clift back on the stage.
Violet Parr
Dec-24-2008 12:08
Their dinner was almost over when Miss Violet Parr walked into the Chez Fromage.
Looking over towards the table where two handsome young men and one strikingly beautiful young woman sat, she smiled: She finally managed to track Clift Garrett down.
Miss Parr needed to talk business with Mr. Garrett, but seeing the laughter and the wonderful exchange of conversation he was having at his table, she decided to sit down at table of her own and wait for him to finish his dinner with his company.
Violet ordered a glass of water, neat, and started reflecting on her life: She lost all the money she got from the Eastern Triads and has decided to start working again in order to make ends meet. She joined the Sirens Agency in Shanghai and has been really enjoying working with them so far.
She turned from her corner table once again towards Makensie Brewer, Clift Garrett and their new gentleman friend at the centre table. They were still going with their chats and she was starting to get hungry.
Violet ordered a Waldrof Salad and continued to patiently wait...
Dec-24-2008 13:29
The meal was almost over. After a bit of laughter after a joke Clift told us, Mak's face turned blue.
"Oh God..." She stared at a woman sitting at a table near the door.
"What?" Clift asked, turning around, "Oh God."
Playfully, Ace also turned to look at the woman, "Oh God, too."
"Is that Violet Parr?" Mak asked, wide-eyed.
"I think so! I'd recognize that purple hat anywhere." Clift began to stand up.
Violet was enjoying a large salad when the three others walked over to her. Clift was the first to get there.
"Violet!?!" he exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"
"Ummm... well, I had just picked up my fork, and I was about to stab some lettuce..."
"No, no, what are you doing in London?" Clift asked as Ace and Mak crowded around the table.
Ignoring the question, Violet said, "Hi, again, Makensie! Who's your friend?"
"Tony Masters," Ace spoke up, "But you can call me Ace."
"Nice to meet you Ace," Violet smiled, "I'm Violet Parr."
"So I've heard." Ace smiled as well.
"Hey, why are you all standing around?" Violet urged, "Come, come, sit, sit!" She motioned Clift to sit down next to her, which appeared to make Mak a tad uneasy. It was either because Clift was sitting next to Violet, or because she had to sit next to Ace. At the table, there was no problem, but this was a booth...
As Violet completed her meal, they once again talked. Ace was a little behind on the Sleuthetania melodrama, but he listened intently.
Ms. Parr explained that she had become destitute in Shanghai, and sent Mak that telegram. She worked enough to get enough money to take a ship to London and find Clift. Mak was made even more uneasy at Violet's excursion motive.
Finally, Violet was done with her meal. Everyone stood up; it was getting late. Ace prepared to take Mak home, while Clift was apparently going to spend some time with Violet. Well, more like visa versa.
Dec-24-2008 13:39
Mak was getting very uneasy about the Violet Parr situation, and just wanted to go home. But she just about vomited when Violet pecked Clift on the cheek.
Mak played along, pecking ace, then Clift, Violet pecked Ace, and both men fell down as though they had fainted from it. It would've been funny to Mak if she hadn't be so edgy.
"Very interesting woman, Ms. Parr is." Ace remarked on the cab-ride to Mak's place.
"Very flirtatious, too." Mak said, under her breath.
"I heard that! Ha..." Ace laughed.
"You have very good hearing." Mak told him, "You hear everything I say under my breath! It's creepy."
"Thank you!" Ace played, "You're creepy too."
"Heh, thanks." Mak sighed. She leaned her head against the window, ready to put the night behind her. She was even having a good time, until Violet showed up. Now, she couldn't stop thinking about what would happen between Clift and Violet if they're alone together.
Ace knew something was up. Even though he hadn't known Mak for very long, he knew she was a bit squeamish of this Violet woman. Ace wasn't going to ask anything about her. 'Maybe later.' Ace thought to himself.
As much as Ace like Mak, he wasn't planning on pushing romance or anything of the sort. At least, not yet. But he did want to know one thing.
"Mak, I know this could be considered as rude, but, how old are you?"
"How old do I look?" Mak turned to him.
He studied her face as she stared back at him, then he said, "87."
"Ha, ha, ha." Mak cooed, "I just so happen to be 23."
"Well, good, cause you don't look 87." Ace chuckled.
By that time, they got to Mak's house. She got out, said goodbye to Ace, and was ready for a warm bed.
Ace cheerfully took his ride home, also ready for bed. He definitely hoped to see Mak again the next day. It was either that or get a new case!
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Dec-24-2008 16:32
Makensie walked in the agency, and chuckled, "23. Boy, Im glad I can pass for THAT......if he didnt know I was kidding, then I wasnt saying anything" She looked in a mirror, as she was passing, and says, "Girl, you dont look too bad for 37 yrs old....thanks Mom and Dad for great genes"
Chuckling, she walked to the stairs to head to her office. She had her own apartment but, she mostly slept in her office, on her comfortable sofa.
She started thinking of the evening events, and how nice it was to see her good friend Violet Parr. Although, at first, she felt a twinge of jealousy when she saw Violet gave Clift a peck on the cheek, but more than that, total shock. She is a very reserved person, and doesnt seem the type to be that bold. Shrugging, she thinks, Ive been wrong before, I suppose.
She admits, at one time, she had strong feelings for Clift Garrett, but, now, even though she is still attracted to him..what woman wouldnt?.....she has gained a great, trusted friend, and that is something she would never mess up by involving that yucky thing called romance.
Ace, on the other hand, is also a good friend. Although, she is 37, he makes her feel like she is 23. Chuckling, she thinks, yes, but, no involvement other than business, and friends.
She wasnt easily lead, no matter how she acted. Makensie ,also, is a slight stand offish person, yet, warm...she didnt know what came over her when she actually pecked Ace on the cheek. Clift, she could see it, they know each other but, Ace...she just met.
Oh well, she thinks, I still like Tony.....and considers him another one of her dear friends. Thinking, that I hope to see tomorrow. Groaning, she shook her head.
She made her way inside her office, kicked her shoes off, hung her coat and hat up, and went straight to her sofa, and fell sound to sleep.
Dec-24-2008 17:21
"Bed... oooooooohhhh..." Ace groans as he falls into bed.
'Something doesn't feel right." Ace thinks, 'No way a 23 year old could be that wise.'
'On the other hand, I'm 26, and I'm that wise... sorta...' Ace muses again.
'I wonder what I'll do tomorrow...' Ace drifts to as he falls asleep, still dressed, and lights still on.
Ace pops up in bed. He glances at the clock: 2:33. His bedroom window just crumbled!
Ace jumps onto the other side of the bed, grabbing his gun out of the night stand. When all is quiet, he slowly stands up.
Amongst the glass lies a rock, a note tied around it.
Ace goes frantic. "Stt" is the symbol his sister uses whenever she writes him. She lives in the same building, though.
Ace slowly pulls the curtains back. Lucky thing he went to bed dressed. He looks outside, but all that he can see from the 3rd floor is the dark street below.
He creeps to his sisters apartment upstairs. She's not there. No sign of a struggle, or anything, but...
He uses her phone.
Mak is awakened slowly by the incessant ringing of the phone. 'Who would call at this time of night?'
"Oh, thank God, Mak."
"Ace? Is that you?"
"Yes. My sister just broke my window with a note that said 'Help me Tony'."
"Probably just some vandal."
"No, no, she left her symbol on it! Nobody know that symbol except us!"
"Well, where is she?"
"I don't know! Can you come over and help me look for her? I know somethings gotta be wrong!"
"Sure... where do you live?"
"The building across the street from my agancy." Ace replied, "The Ritz. I'm in her apartment, #405."
"Okay, I'll be right there!"
Dec-24-2008 21:15
Mak picked up her coat, about to leave, when the phone rang yet one more time.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Mak! I just got a wire from New York!" Clift Garett told her, "And..."
"I haven't time right now, Clift." Mak cut him off, "Ace's sister has gone missing."
"Scarlett, too?"
"What do you mean 'too'?"
"The wire was from my uncle in New York, telling me that Vivienne was abducted as well!"
"Oh, my..." Mak sighed, "Listen, meet me over at the Ritz building by Hunter's Academy, apartment #405. That's Scarlett's apartment."
"Okay, I'll meet you there, thanks Mak."
Then, Mak heard something else that disturbed her. As Clift hung up the phone, he apparently talked to somebody else! Not only that, but he said, "Violet, w..."
Mak had been worried about what might when Clift and Violet got together. She could only assume, but, still...
Anyway, she had to skedaddle over to the Ritz!
Violet Parr
Dec-25-2008 03:06
Violet was somewhat bewildered and completely disoriented.
She did not really know how things got to where they were.
Mr. Clift Garrett had gallantly offered to walk her home in the late night of London.
When they reach her apartment at Doyle Estates, she asked him to come up and finally meet her brother, Leopold Parr. When they both got up Leopold was not there.
Leopold Parr had left Violet a written message telling her that went to Surrey to visit their sick father Sir Albert Parr and their mother Lady Madhuri Parr, who were currently residing in the English countryside.
Violet had prepared some light sandwiches and some fresh juice for herself and Clift and they sat to talk things over. She remembered talking for hours about the USS Sleuthetania, Alexis Peck -whom they would never really forget, the Barry Grant case and their defiance of the odds, and finally coming back to London and the little reunion and the entrance of their newest friend, Tony Masters.
“Ace is a very handsome young man Clift,” Violet started. “I could see him give you some serious competition for Miss Makensie Brewer’s favour.”
“Mak is still somewhat upset with me,” Clift shrugged. “I could feel it, do you remember my rude behaviour with you the last night on the Sleuthetania? I did the same thing with her…”
“Why, Clift Garrett! How could you?”
“It was the drinks I had Violet.”
His hand touched hers.
Miss Parr arched an eyebrow, “Are you drunk now?”
I am as sober as I have ever been.
Violet Parr
Dec-25-2008 03:07
Miss Parr’s mind came rushing back to the present moment, whatever happened between her and Clift in those few hours needs to be forgotten immediately for now.
Vivienne Garrett and Scarlett Masters have been kidnapped it seems.
Violet has been trying to reach the New Scotland Yard, the London Metropolitan Police. Although they all were detectives, they needed the help of the local authorities.
Violet quickly got off her bed and got dressed.
Clift was already dressed and waiting for her in her apartment’s dining room. The two quickly left the building, found a taxi and made their way over to the Ritz where they were going to meet Makensie and Ace.
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Dec-25-2008 12:56
Makensie arrived at the ritz, the same time as Ace did....along with Clift, and Violet.
Looking at them two, she could tell something has happened between them two...a change in relationship. She IS a woman after all, but shrugs, thinking to herself, Just friends anyway so what does it matter.
Ace walked up to Makensie ,smiling as always, and Makensie smiled back....and as Violet and Clift walked up, Makensie nodded, and smiled, and greeted them both.
"Well, shall we step over here and get to business?", Ace said.
They all agreed, as Ace held his arm out, and to Makensie said, "After you" He placed his hand on her back as she walked ahead of him.
Such a gentleman, she thinks.
She noticed Clift glancing at her, as well as Ace a few times, but, she never responded in any way.
If Violet and Clift were to be an item, then she was happy for them. Violet was a wonderful woman. "Hopefully, Clift doesnt play her heart around", she thinks.
Ace looks at her, and says, in a whisper for only her to hear, "Don't let it bother you" She growls at him, slapping his arm playfully, and said, "It doesn't"....and she meant it.
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