New Skills
Battered Shoe
Feb-21-2007 18:35
I know that there are several older threads addressing this issue, but I thought I'd make a new one for fun. I have all the skills available except for trap detection, which I can't get anyway because I went for hostage negotiation instead. I know there are many people here with lots of unused skill points--what new skills would you like to see offered?
I have a few suggestions:
--Key to the City: Shangri La City (country? whatever), that is. Based on either skill points or maybe even number of AVH's completed (10? 20?), this skill allows you to enter the Prince's Palace without having to do the infuriating legwork.
--Advanced Crime Scene Search: Enables detectives to analyze one piece of evidence that the initial crime scene search might not have uncovered.
I think that a VERY expensive skill--20, 30, 40 skill points, or more--would be very welcome in the game. It would give newer players something to shoot for, and be a reward for very experienced players with a glut of skill points waiting to be spent.
Replies |
Chelsea Bando
Feb-22-2007 14:43
Unless you are in the middle of a hunt. You cannot access case files in a hunt.
Old Shoe
Feb-22-2007 16:00
I'm all for having some way to make use of the skill points that build up, and I think these are all neat ideas (I'd LOVE the Advanced Crime Scene search too - I seem to have hit a gold mine of generic footprints as of late).
The other thing that drives me absolutely pig-squealing fist-biting insane is when your lock-picking produces redundant information (yaaargh, especially when it doesn't kick in until you open the last two suspects on your list). Maybe it's just my infatuation with rifling through other people's crap speaking, but I think a cool skill (and yeah, probably pretty steeply priced) would be to effectively choose what kind of information you get when you pick locks. You could choose to read the appointment book (alibi) or like a diary or something (others with motive).
Yeah, so basically a total violation of privacy :)
Old Shoe
Feb-22-2007 17:46
Wow! I can't believe you have that many extra skill points. I wish one day I will be in that position. I am in total awe. (she says with crooked head and large doe eyes)
V Buster
Old Shoe
Feb-25-2007 03:15
R Anstett, when the AVH equipment was added things were made slightly more difficult. Prior to AVH's the top smart equipment never failed. Post AVH the same set of equipment fails on a reasonably regular basis.
Also tough/charm scores that used to always guarantee 3 questions no longer do so.
Battered Shoe
Feb-25-2007 05:05
VBuster, I had the top charm score of 23 pre-AVH and that never guaranteed 3 questions. Made it more likely, sure, but never guaranteed it. Even now with +30 charm it's no guarantee.
R Anstett
Feb-25-2007 05:35
It is a random chance for how many additional questions or completeness of finding evidence at the crime scene. Those base chances are what your gear affects.
Yes Admin could have slightly altered those percentages to make it more difficult, but I do not beleive that has happened.
1 - as Aralives points out, there never was a time it did not fail, there was always a chance of not getting all the fully identified evidence or only 1 or no questions answered.
2 - the cases are random and are not affectd by what gear you wear. Meaning that the same base percentage chance of something happening is created at the moment the case is opened, not what you are wearing when you go to ask the question. Those base numbers have not changed that I can tell
3 - If AI cases were more difficult after the expansion in August 06 when the VH came out all the people in agencies would have noticed it. I think the opposite is true. People are having fewer quit cases and turning in even more cases than before.
And Aralives does point out one flaw in my statement. The top range is now higher than I had stated earlier.
Feb-25-2007 08:51
Personnaly I'll go to a skill who allow you to remove one or two false accuse, and who reset when you have used it.
So you will always be able to spend your skills points.
Old Shoe
Feb-27-2007 02:11
I like that one. Maybe 30 skill points can buy you "Veteran's Experience" or "Veteran's Leeway" or something like that, where because your detective is so experienced in solving crimes, they can remove one FA or that one FA could be "overlooked" (one time use per 30 skill points). Kind of like getting points off of your license for not getting any more tickets.