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Daily Pub Quiz
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Jan-4-2005 18:37

See if there is interest for this.

1. Each day I will post 10 questions, at random times of the day.
2. Each Quiz runs exactly 24 hours.
3. The first person that has all 10 questions right, wins. Or if no one has all questions right, the best one wins.
4. You can only post answers ONCE for the same quiz.
5. No cash involved. Just glory. :)


Old Shoe

Jan-10-2005 16:22


1-13: No idea as I'm too lazy to look them up!

14: Drugs and prostitituion!


Jan-10-2005 16:25

Oh that would be men's hockey.


Jan-10-2005 20:40

Ok, here goes...

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Prince Bernhard
3. Queen Juliana
4. Ajax (“Football Club Ajax”)
5. Germany & Belgium
6. The Anne Frank House
7. The leading hypothesis as to its origin is that it is from the Dutch janke, meaning a diminutive of the name Jan. The second leading hypothesis is that it is from Jan Kaas, literally John Cheese, a nickname for the Dutch that parallels the British John Bull. Usage of Jan Kaas has been dated in Europe to the 1650s. The term could have been applied to Dutch pirates in the Caribbean and later shifted to New Englanders.
8. Flevoland
9. Rubens and Brueghel
10. ?

11. Jan de Bont
12. 1924
13. 3 times
14. soft drugs such as marijuana and prostitution

Wow, that took awhile.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jan-11-2005 00:25


1. Bluejays
2. I'm fairly sure there's a teeam the Golden Gophers is the mascot of one of the Minnesota colleges. All of their teams would have the same name (all sports).
3. ummmm
4. Twickenham is a rugby stadium, I'm sure. They may play soccer (football) there too.
5. SQUAsh
6. A tie
7. I haven't been paying attention to the Barry Bonds count. Did he pass Babe or Hank Aaron yet? I'm thinking he has, in which case Hank Aaron is now #2.
8. No idea
9. Tonya Harding and Nancy the Knee
10. The Dutchies?


Jan-11-2005 08:44

And....kerrbear is the winner!!!! The answer to number 10 was "Prelude to a kiss", Alec Baldwin said it to Meg Ryan.


Jan-11-2005 08:44

Anyone going to beat Ben?

Pinball Amateur

Jan-11-2005 18:47

1. Bluejays
2. University of Minnesota team
3. water polo
4. rugby
5. squash
6. tie
7. Babe Ruth
8. Rafael "Paeng" Nepomuceno
9. Tonya Hrding, Nancy Kerrigan
10. Germany


Jan-11-2005 20:06

Hmmm... the opportunity to beat Ben? Too tempting:

1. Blue Jays
2. University of Minnesota football team
3. Lacrosse
4. Rugby
5. Squash
6. To give unwanted advice or make distracting comments
7. Babe Ruth
8. Bowling Legend Paeng Nepomuceno
9. Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding
10. Australia


Jan-12-2005 04:39

Bryola won!!!!!

OK the riddles and pubquiz are no fun if Bryola keeps winning. :) The answer to number 3 is Korfball (hoop ball), mostly played in the Netherlands and Belgium.


Jan-12-2005 05:13

I enjoy reading, here one I made myself again.

Authers and books:
1. What is Dr. Phil's last name?
2. Robert Langdon appeared in the "Da Vinci Code" in which other book did he appear as well?
3. James Joyce "Ullyses" was voted top novel of all time. Which book is considered to be that should be voted the top novel of all time as it influenced more lives and thinking, published for the first time in 1957? Central in the story are a railroad and a metal company.
4. Which book by Leo Tolstoy (also said to be the greatest novel of all time) soared again to the top ranks of Amazon sales in 2004?
5. What is the author and name of the book with the following story: airplane crash in the Sahara. Pilot meets little man, whom travelled to the Sahara by visiting several planets. They become friends. The little man dies.
6. Marcia Clarke and Christoper Darden prosecuters in the OJ Simpson trial both wrote books about the trial, name one of the titles?
7. In the TV series and the movie "Twin Peaks", the writings of whom were a central topic?
8. Who was the only survivor out of everbody that was in hiding with Anne Frank. Name and relation to Anne Frank?
9. How many books are there about the character Jason Bourne?
10. How many humans survived the flood described in Genesis in the bible?

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