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A riddle
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John Hale
John Hale
Yarn Weaver

Dec-8-2004 01:45

Hello all.
I'm fairly new to Sleuth and I thought I might share a little hobby of mine with you all. Here's something for that sad moment when the mysteries of the day are all done.

Thousands lay up gold within this house,
but no man made it.
Spears past counting guard this house,
but no man wards it.
What is it?



Sep-2-2007 00:25

To JoJo

Phoenix Burning
Phoenix Burning

Sep-7-2007 23:02

Talianna - Is it a black hole?

Talianna Periwinkle
Talianna Periwinkle

Sep-8-2007 10:33

Sorry, Phoenix, that's not right

(I think blackholes have been proven to exist... but I could be wrong)

However, I do agree that that's a good answer. ;D

Sleuth About Town

Sep-28-2007 14:58

something makes me want to say "Death" but i don't think that's right... the other thing was "infinity" but that can't be it either...


Sep-28-2007 16:14

I'd say 'the universe', which is supposed to be infinite (how do you prove that?). But the universe exists, because we're in it. No? Hrm. How do you prove that?

Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Oct-6-2007 15:17

bumping to get more participation

Anthony Ciarlante, P.I.
Anthony Ciarlante, P.I.

Oct-6-2007 17:31

Just a guess: is it a rainbow?

Very, Very hard one here:

I sustain, and I destroy, at the same time. I give the least to my smallest, and the most to the other smallest. I give life, and cause death. I control, and am the head, and my wrath is terrible for those who get too close. What am I?

Hint: I'm not God.


Oct-8-2007 06:28

yes black holes are a fact and as for the aswer to that one i think its the sun


Oct-9-2007 14:28

Is the answer to eather of these riddles Time?

Talianna Periwinkle
Talianna Periwinkle

Oct-20-2007 15:42

No, no one has guessed it yet.

For Anthony's, I was going to guess fire, but I think that's wrong. Parn's sun sounds more correct. I don't know...

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