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Shades of Mystery
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R Anstett
R Anstett

Jul-11-2007 09:32

A place to talk about the new game coming out from the developers of Sleuth Noir.


Sir Butcher De Vei
Sir Butcher De Vei

Jul-16-2007 22:12

Im interested in whether Shades of Mystery will feature crimes other than murder? How about arson, kidnapping, or theft cases? Might spice up the gameplay and alleviate the morgue's and cemetery's problems.

Old Shoe

Jul-16-2007 22:52

Any questions directly for Ben about the game can be put in the An(other) Interview with Ben thread.

Safety Officer

Jul-19-2007 00:44

Bump for nate...

Jim Diamond
Jim Diamond

Jul-19-2007 11:56

Wow. Interesting. I have long thought that SoM was gonna be an expansion for Sleuth:Noir. This is veeery interesting. So far I think that the setting for Sleuth:Noir appeals to me more, but who knows.. I might change my mind.

Question: As I take it from other posts here, there will be some sort of avatar generator. Does that mean you will *not* be able to send in your own photo and have it "sleutherized" and put into game?

Also, what will those generated avatars look like? Are they photoish or more drawing like? I understand some people have seen it in action?

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jul-19-2007 12:22

I saw the avatar generator in action.

It is photo based where you manipulate the image to create your own specialized face. There are enough tweak points and choices to blend in that everyone should be able to create a face that suits them.

There is no indication that there will be the ability to submit our own photos as avatars.

Safety Officer

Jul-19-2007 16:31

hehe yep... and can I just add YAY!


Jul-19-2007 17:19

Hu, sounds interesting to me. You know this all sounds like gumshoe online, although sleuth is way better and the SoM will be better than that, being able to make your own faces, the different time line, don't have to pay for case to do a case, sounds nice. *sits down on her computer to learn more at the screen shot link* Oh, i can picture it now.

Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Jul-19-2007 17:27

The presentation Ben gave us was great. I wish I could say I remember more of it, but i am grateful for Ran's memory, since Ben asked us at the close of the presentation to please go ahead and share with all of you what he shared with us. I was very impressed with what I saw and I'm eagerly awaiting the formal unveiling ::grins::

Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Jul-19-2007 18:32

oh... and I want a dapple gray pony, please... ::grins::

Lucky Stiff

Jul-20-2007 02:54

How about goats? Can there be goats?

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