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Old Shoe

Sep-25-2006 03:07

Same premise as the into it/not into it thing.

Read a choice. Make a choice. Post a choice.

Poodles or chihuahuas?


Maria South
Maria South

Feb-12-2007 16:20

paper-biodegradable and better for the environment. It's also harder to suffocate in paper bags. Trust me. Been there, done that, got the hospital gown.

Travel-Germany or Denmark?

Fiddler's Green
Fiddler's Green

Feb-12-2007 16:34

Mr Crunchpatty -

Do you have ANY idea just how rude a word F***Y is? (I can't event type it - there are ladies present...). There is a link below if you really must find out - just send the children out and put a teatowel over the budgie's cage before you do.

Shocked? - I nearly choked on my Gentleman's Relish (again).

Please substitute "bumbag" next time -

Denmark, of course....

Shoemaker or Cobbler?

Old Shoe

Feb-12-2007 22:03

ROFL! maaaaan, I just really like it when Fiddler's Green's like finding money, but funnier.

My apologies to you sir, and to ladies and children throughout sleuthville. You have truly given me reason to re-think the English saying, "keep a stiff upper lip".

What is "Gentleman's Relish" a euphemism for? :P

I'll go with cobbler, just cause it comes in peach OR wing-tip.

Fritos or Cheetos?

Washed Up Punter

Feb-12-2007 23:54

Now just HOW can I resist posting with this choice, I ask you? Well, I can't. Get ready to be shocked.... Fritos. Just like their crunchy corn goodness, and they leave no stains.

Christmas carols or sea shanties?

Safety Officer

Feb-13-2007 03:21

[Fidler lol. I've been trying to explain that to people for ages. Same in Australia mate. To the point where Enid Blyton's "Folk of the Faraway Tree" has been edited so that Fanny is Frannie and Dick is Rick :s So much for my innocent childhood memories!]

Sea Shanties. There's something about a salty tar playin' a concertina that just makes you want to get up and dance a jig.

pogo stick or stilts


Feb-13-2007 11:47

Doesn't matter, since I'd fall off either one of them. But let's go with pogo stick, since I might actually get a bounce in before I break my hip.

With apologies to Zanjana, who prefers fritos: Yummmy cheetos... puffy or crunchy?

Maria South
Maria South

Feb-15-2007 17:05

Puffy, ever since my friend cracked me upwith a certian saying.... plus they're more fun to eat!
B.T.W. Apoligies accepted crunch.

O.K...Favorite medium: Oil Pastels or paint?

Old Shoe

Feb-16-2007 05:23

I don't really know the difference :0)

Summer or Winter?

Beef Flaps
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff

Feb-16-2007 08:55

Winter of course. The cold air. Tingling toes. Beavertails. Hot chocolate. Skates. Beats the sweat causing humidity anyday.

Fold or Crumple?

Old Shoe

Feb-16-2007 17:31

Fold.Well, why not fold?

Spring or Autumn?

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