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Battered Shoe

Jul-4-2006 13:50

Wow. Seriously, wow.



Jul-14-2006 10:58

You piss me here R are you telling that:
All smarts skills and all charms OR toughs skills (factions skills excluded) will give acces to the arch villians skills?

biggie I don't think that there is so much detective who have a lot of skills points waiting I have more than 4000000 off them and I still need some more to get pugilism.


Jul-14-2006 11:02

Oups I probably used a bad spelling read* afflict me*.
If yes that to bad for me, it seems that I haven't followed (or also read) your hint.....


Jul-14-2006 11:26

Plus the main goal of an extension is to allow(/convince) the gamers to player longer, so it's good if the game keep some great promise for the future and not deliver everything in the 2 or 3 first months.

An other point I don't know how the new skills could avantage or disavantage some players as I don't know them.
Maybe some players coulds be disavantaged because they keep a lot of points since a long time (that's not really interesting).
other ones could be disanvantaged because they bought every thing that they could (like me) and will now have to work really hard to get skills points.
Finally younger detective could be avantaged because they will be able to choose their strategy .
The most important think is that every body can have fun :)

Personnal thoughs:
Why do I feel stupid posting three time in a row :(


Jul-14-2006 12:17

Let me see if I can help Neritina....

Ran is just stating what everyone will pretty much agree on, a full set of interview skills, whether charming or tough, and your smart skills is really the most important part of building an effective detective. Without those skills, you won't be able to solve cases, because people start clamming up. Any other skills are secondary. The new skills are likely to be advanced skills, for harder cases or to just make life a little more convienent, not basic necessities.

I'm afraid you are misunderstanding the skill point debate a bit. You have over 4,000,000 EXPerience points, not skill points. Skill points are what we need in order to purchase new skills, the ones that for detectives like you and I only come once every 50,000 EXP points or so.

((And this was a concern when we were given our new cities as well, and I was one of those detectives with no stored skill points at the time. Trust me, it all works out. Don't begrudge the older detectives just because they have a little savings. They worked hard for it. Last time Ben even gave us a new level of cases that allowed the younger detectives to earn EXP and skill points in fewer cases than the old farts. ;) It actually became an advantage because they went out bought the skills, found out how they worked, and as Neritina says, helped me figure out what I really wanted to spend my points on when I got there! ))

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jul-14-2006 12:20

No I was not saying that you need all the exsisting skills to learn the new ones.

What I was saying is that I have a slight bit of an advantage because I have extra skill points laying around that I have not used. I do not have to make the choice of choosing an existing skill or one of the new ones. There are many other players who have been around longer than I who will have more than enough skill points built up to aquire all the new skills right away.

As you pointed out the importance is to have fun. I look at it as an opportunity to try out a few new wrinkles in game play.


Jul-14-2006 14:39

It's more clear now...
And you got a point cfm, I missed a step between exp points and skill point. I just need 8 skills point to by pugilism but so much xp :(....
not sure that I will have time to save some of them before the expansion.

Lucky Stiff

Jul-14-2006 16:46

All in all, this just shows how interesting this is gonna be, i was just worried about leveling the playing field (ie. if a detective has 20 SPs stored, and another has none, they can get multiple skills at once while the other has to wait to get even one)...though we don't even know that it will be based on SPs, could be based on something else like exp or age, or maybe how many villians you catch?

Whatever it is, I just can't wait to see it!


Jul-14-2006 17:31

My 2 fortune teller contacts couldn't reveal anything :) But the way the mechanics of this game has been running so far it would make sense that the more skills you gather, the better chances you stand to catch an arch villain.

Even if these mechanics wouldn't be based on skill points, the amount of exp points and age would also benefit the older detectives. Yep, it isn't going to be easy to implement this without tipping the balance too much :)

Safety Officer

Jul-14-2006 21:01

I heard a rumour that your ability to catch an archvillain will be based on your experience points divided by your detectives age exactly equaling the amount of times "You have to be subscribed to be a newbie" has been typed in the Agency Recruiting Board.

rumours are fun :)

Old Shoe

Jul-14-2006 21:06

I also heard that rumor!

Except I heard it's your experience points multiplied by your detective's age... That does sound more reasonable. :)

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