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Shuld shady be changed?
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Mar-14-2006 21:36

I think shady is a great idea for controling how well people play. But on the other hand "unsolvable" cases and human error can cause fauls acusations way to easy. I think shady should be changed for this reson. How you ask?

I think the cost should be lowered. I found myself not being able to do any cases for weeks having my agency back me on money till I could pay him off. All because of two cases were evry clue pointed to a certain person but the case said I was wrong. I spent so much money on bribes for those cases just to find out those bribes were worthless.??? Thats not right.

Also I think as your skill level incresis so should the amount of false acusations your alowed.

Fellow Sluethers, what do you think?



Mar-24-2006 13:41

Hmm humble indead.


Mar-24-2006 14:33

We all hate Shady, the rotten bottem dweller. And as much as I'd love to vote for a change to his business practices, I really don't think it would benefit the game. You have to be careful, you have to pay attention, and you have to pay the price if you don't. *has paid Shady's prices far too many times*

As Anstett mentioned above, one piece of Physical evidence, and one Eye Witness is NOT enough to accuse. Learn that lesson, learn the formulas and double check your notes.

I think that if Shady were to start needing favors, that perhaps clearing the record might be a little too much. Maybe he could offer a discount though....

*shrugs and crawls back in her hole*

Mark Stone
Mark Stone

Mar-25-2006 08:33

Personally I think shady is just fine the way he is, a bad person but an important and well quit expensive *takes a hard drink from his flask* addition to being a dective. Ill get him though, he'll mess up and I'll Nab him and make him give every one a clean record once for free *Laughs heardly and drinks a gain from his flask and stubles off*

Isabel S. Abbott
Isabel S. Abbott

Apr-5-2006 17:01

I know, as evil as this may sound, Shady is cool. *flinches and waits for knives to be thrown*

He adds to the persona of the game, and the only reason we want to get rid of him, is to benefit our personal needs! He needs to make a living too, and without him, we'd all be through our 17th detective by now (not that those who have are bad people)...

R Anstett
R Anstett

Apr-6-2006 08:23

I fully agree Isabel. Is one reason I would like a way to track those falses that have been removed.

Just a total cases opened or something figure.

Sherlock Holms CPA
Sherlock Holms CPA

Apr-6-2006 18:05

I posted an idea about Shady under Game Annoucements - General Feedback. As of now it's the second to last post.


Apr-9-2006 17:13

I think that instead of xp choosing how much you pay it could be percentage like 10% of your money is how much you pay. (or whatever number)

Reese Withers
Reese Withers

Apr-10-2006 10:37

I kind of like that idea too Sonic. With my exp now, and having 2 falses (groans), its about impossible to pay Shady. The higher exp goes, the higher the cost goes. Ugh! With my other detective, Makensie Brewer, who is in the 5 millions, its even worse :) Luckily she has only 1 but that is still one too many for me :)

Sherlock Holms CPA
Sherlock Holms CPA

Apr-12-2006 01:44

Before I write this, I want to say that I think the Shady concept is brilliant in that it keeps us focused and adverse to guessing, especially as we gain more experience.
However, I have an idea that I think will not only appease the grumbling about Shady's cost yet still prevent random guessing.
Perhaps Shady's cost of removing strikes could be inversely related to the number of experience points earned since the last strike. Detectives could pay the cost as soon as they get a second strike, but this system would also reward those detectives who take the risk and keep doing cases with 2 strikes in the hopes of driving down Shady's cost... greater risk should mean a greater reward.
However, I still think that experienced detectives should be penalized more for guessing, but they should have the same opportunity of reducing Shady's cost, perhaps up to a maximum percentage "discount," which I believe should top off at 75% for gaining experience equal to 50% of your base experience (experience points at the time of the last false accusation)

Here's a model of what I mean:
Suppose a detective gets a second false accusation on their most recent case. They have 100,000 exp points.
Base Shady cost: Remains unchanged (I don't know what this is because my character is around 50,000 at the moment), but let's assume $50,000.
Now, said detective (we'll call him "Agent") can eat this cost now to remove the strikes, or continue doing cases.
The next day, Agent solves 8 cases of a variety of difficulty levels for 10,000 of new experience points. He checks Shady's price.
The calculation:
Base Shady: $50,000
Agent has increased his exp. by 10% since the strike. The 75% discount is given in full when the detective earns at least 50% of the base experience. He's progressed 1/5 of the way toward that goal and therefore earns 1/5 of the discount, or 15%.
New Shady Price: $42,500.

What do you think?

Logan Creed
Logan Creed

Apr-14-2006 23:01

Sherlock, your idea sounds like an idea from an accountant-turned-detective :)

Having 2 FAs myself right now, I like your idea of earning a discount on Shady if you continue successfully solving cases. Not sure why succesfully solving case would give Shady an incentive to give us a break, but he is a rather mysterious man...

An additional idea might be the ability to loan money from the bank. This can be used for Shady, agencies, whatever. You can loan X amount of money based on experience, collateral (maybe directors can use their agencies), and/or length of time you have lived in a city. Regular payments must be made on the loan and interest is charged as well.

This gives people a chance to reduce the risk of retirement, but adds an additional penalty for that security.

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