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borders around avatars
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Sep-28-2005 05:20

Wondering what the reason is why we have borders on around our avatars. And little arrows behind each line in city hall?

If I am really honest, I'd liked it better the old way. But there may be some important reason why this was implemented.


P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

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P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

Sep-28-2005 07:09

whoa! That second post just popped up! Odd!


Sep-28-2005 09:47

Hee! We are so resistant to change!

(Well, except the ones we suggest ourselves...)


Sep-28-2005 10:04

I like the research link change. It's set apart now and is easier to spot in a hurry.

No opinion really on the border thing.

Sherlock H0lmes
Sherlock H0lmes

Sep-28-2005 10:41

From a web standards POV, the image really shouldn't have a border unless it is a link. If the border stays, I think the pics should link to the same thing that clicking on the name does.

Morley Dotes
Morley Dotes

Sep-28-2005 10:47

Am I the only one who has noticed that most of the pictures aren't really clear anymore?

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Sep-28-2005 15:48

I like where the Research link was b4....:) The border thing, doesnt really bother me. In fact, when I noticed it...I'm like "Was that there b4?" lol :) I also like the city hall time to be on top ,not the bottom. Oh well...thats just my opinion hehe I can get used to change I suppose :)


Sep-28-2005 16:26

Yeah, the thing that really irks me about the Research isn't the most recent change, it's the change that made the faction information located in the Hall of Records as well. So now there's always an extra page to click through to get to research. Yuck.


Sep-28-2005 20:23

Well,I did notice the yellow square box around all the pictures, but it didn't matter to me either way. However, I almost freaked when I couldn't find the "Hall of Records," to research my case. I clicked on everything, until finally I saw it in the bottom left hand corner which I thought made it just as easy to find. So it doesn't matter to me. I do know this, since I joined April, 2004, this game has come....(as the saying goes in America) You've come a long way baby!.....and I'm meaning Sleuth. Thanks Ben.


Sep-28-2005 20:45

Hey Ben, I think you've spoiled us, hehe. I wanted to add a big thank you for taking the time to get to know all of us & for your involvment in your own game. I don't know of any games online that the owner is involved like you and Sunny. Thanks for all you've done and are doing.

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