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Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-14-2004 19:57

Has anyone gotten this skill. I have one more skill point to get and I can get it, but I want to know if it is a good skill to get cause I also want the lock picking skill. Thanx for your input.


The Hongmeister
The Hongmeister

Jul-15-2004 01:42

What does it do? Can you tell us?


Jul-15-2004 03:22

lock picking will get u sometimes alibi and sometimes motives. it will only work when u find a closed door (i think about twice per case).
hypno will get u motives, but i heard it is sometimes the motives u already have. dont know how often u can use it. anyone?


Jul-15-2004 06:15

You automatically try to hypnotise all the suspects you talk to, and they will either go into a bit of a trance and give you more information, or you wont be able to get into their head. It's a cool feature.

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-15-2004 13:24

I have it and i love it thanx S'ayla


Jul-15-2004 18:01

Glad you like it! Happy Hypnotizing!


Jul-15-2004 20:05

Don't you have to be in good standing with Order of Socrates to get hypotism? I'm in such bad standing with them, I can't get in the door. and I don't want pickpocketing - which is what my politiboro has on offer.
I know safecracking requires good standing with La Cosa Nostra - another group that won't let me in the door.


Jul-15-2004 20:53

Dogberta- you have to have a standing of about 25-30 with an organization to learn their special skill. I want to get safecracking too, so I'm no longer doing any jobs for the Order of Socrates, and I'm quitting cases that would lower my standing with La Cosa Nostra. I think that's really all that can be done.

Old Shoe

Jul-17-2004 15:21

Well, you could just get the skill your good in with. Then go to the next organization, get their skill, then the next. And then you just decide an organization to stick with. That's what I plan on doing.

Bella Luna
Bella Luna

Jul-17-2004 21:55

Smart thinking jojo227.

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