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Jul-13-2004 12:32

Is there a limit to the number of contacts you can have? And is there some kind of pattern to get a contact?


james lee
james lee

Jul-13-2004 12:43

yeah, you can only have two. nope, no pattern, but there are certain ones you can get. one that deals with physical evidence, and the other ones

Old Shoe

Jul-13-2004 14:50

Let me elaborate for you Tosis. You can have 2 contacts. One can deal with physical evidence (barber, tailor, banker, shoe maker, the other can deal with non-physical evidence (bartender, waiter, butcher, fortune teller, priest, music teacher). You CANNOT have two physical evidence, or two non-physical evidence contacts. If you have two they must be one of each kind.

(eg. If you have the banker you cannot get the shoe maker.)

(eg. If you have the waiter, you cannot get the butcher.)

There is no designated pattern on how to get a contact. Just keep doing favors for them and you'll get them as one eventually. There is however a pattern as to when you get a favor. You get a favor after 4 sucessfully completed cases.

4 sucessfully completed cases = favor


3 sucessfully completed cases + 1 sucessfully completed favor = favor.

A sucessfully completed favor DOES count as one of those 4.

There is no way at the moment to delete your contacts, so if you don't want the tailor as a contact, don't do favors for him,IF yu don't want the waiter as a contact, don't do favors for him, ect.

I think that's all.


Jul-14-2004 04:31

favors for a certain townie will keep showing up if u just dont do them. so if u dont want someone as your contact you will have to start the favor and then quit it.

james lee
james lee

Jul-14-2004 07:32

or just hope it doesnt happen

Old Shoe

Jul-14-2004 10:05

Oh. Thanks for that correction. I didn't know that.


Jul-14-2004 19:12

Yeah - I've been trying to get the Banker for about 60 favors and all that's happened is that my favors have moved into the excrutiatingly hard cagegory but the Banker has only given me loot in the 8 times I've scored a favor with her.

I have 'researched' a pattern though -using clones. and it looks like your first (non-key) contact appears about your 5th favor, and your key contact appears around your 15th. I don't know when you get a second chance at a key contact. LIke I said, I'm up to somewhere around 60, and haven't gotten it. Maybe you get too old eventually. Maybe I should be checking into the Sunny Vistas home for aging sleuths.


Jul-15-2004 03:41

took me also really long to get the second i wanted. i guess its because of the quitting.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jul-15-2004 09:18

Yeah, once a favor is available, if you don't want to take it, the only way you can get a new one is to start that favor and then quit it. Simply not taking it will not result in a new favor.


Jul-18-2004 17:54

Ben, I want to make sure I understood you right. If I get the shoe maker, but want something else, I can open it, but not play it, then quit it, that will give me another favor right then to play, or will I have to play and solve three more cases, in order to get a differnet favor?


Jul-18-2004 17:59

The reason I asked is, if I pass up that favor, even though it may not be the one I want, for instance the one that's next in line for the treasure hunt, then I would be losing a gift, or $4800 I could make by selling the gift, plus the experience points. At this time, the only time I quit a favor, is when I've exhausted all resources in finding the killer, then I quit. However, if I can open one, quit it, and get a brand new one, then that's great. Just wondering.

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