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How do YOU Sleuth?
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Luniar Arkain
Luniar Arkain

Aug-11-2005 10:32

How do YOU Sleuth, I ask? :O Do you memorize alibis, etc., open Notepad, or what? Personally, I open Notepad. It makes the Sleuthing process much easier for me.



May-2-2006 19:37

Memorize never use anything before


May-3-2006 01:38

*would have thought the Underground already had an updated version somewhere on their boards ;)*

shannon, you can try sending a PM to either Reda or Lady Emerald Devon - they should both have an updated list, but it will be a list and not an online tool like the online one :)

Agent Canady
Agent Canady

Jun-12-2006 17:07

There is another link that you can use as well. Ifound it on the hitchikers web page...

Hope they don't mind me posting that! If you like that style of "sleuthing" then try it out!

I personally love my pencil and paper!

*cries for those poor, poor trees*


Jun-16-2006 18:34

Just the same like Jstdn i started with pen and paper, but you can researche you'r current case at city hall.
So a note book is pretty much USELESS!!

AZN Cinderella
AZN Cinderella

Jun-16-2006 18:48

I use my handy dandy notebook! :)


Jun-21-2006 03:34

I started using pen and paper. But its to slow. So instead I made my own helper in HTML. And of course I made it in notepad. I play with two windows open beside eachother. This speeds up the process. And I have made it available at

Here you can check it out or download the zipped version for free.

Have fun with it. Email me if you have any questions.

Celia Scarlet
Celia Scarlet

Jul-4-2006 16:32

I started with pen and paper on my first case.
But i got good enougf to figure things out on my own.

Naomi Hong
Naomi Hong

Jul-10-2006 00:06

Hello everybody - sorry I haven't visited Slueth Town for a long while, and so haven't been very responsive to suggestions about updates to the old Sleuth Helper.

A lot of things have happened in RL - not least of which has been the birth of our baby girl!

It's great to see other people developing their own Sleuth Helpers - and some even coded by hand! I think the little differences across them highlight the different approaches people have to playing the game. Anyway some people have made suggestions about the difficulty tables in the old Sleuth Helper, so I'll post an update soon.

Oliver Higgs
Oliver Higgs

Jul-10-2006 01:27

I just use a pencil and a pad. no mess, just that.

Christmas Angel
Christmas Angel

Jul-10-2006 10:01

Oh, I always open up Microsoft Word, and all after when I have all of the suspects and alibis, I cross off the ones that have valid or true alibis. Also, when I get WE or PE on one of the suspects that remain w/ false alibis, I bold them and put them in red to be the first person(s) to ask other people. That's pretty much it!

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