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How do YOU Sleuth?
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Luniar Arkain
Luniar Arkain

Aug-11-2005 10:32

How do YOU Sleuth, I ask? :O Do you memorize alibis, etc., open Notepad, or what? Personally, I open Notepad. It makes the Sleuthing process much easier for me.


Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Mar-25-2006 06:39

I use pen and paper if its a hard or higher. Otherwise I just memorize

Old Shoe

Mar-25-2006 12:18

Since this has popped up again I'll just throw in another vote for Quicknote, for anyone using Firefox. It is much better than notepad IMHO--up to 4 tabs, and you can have it as a sidebar and minimize clicking back and forth. I love it!


Mar-27-2006 13:28

just a piece of paper and a pen in the shape of a shark...

Old Shoe

Mar-28-2006 00:03

haha...lacking the confidence to switch to pen, I'm still going amish-style: paper and pencil. I can't stand switching back and forth between windows or tabs or whatever and I like the immediacy of being able to just make notes by hand.

Maybe there should be like a special piece of equipment for the person who kills the most trees while sleuthing :P. You can charm a lot of people with a document shredder. Just saying...

Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Mar-28-2006 13:03

ooh nice thought I would like that I have killed at least a tree a week so far.

Miss Adellaide
Miss Adellaide

Apr-13-2006 10:52

Uhmm... Okay, Im fresh enough, but after trying to memorize, realizing that as soon as it gets intermediate I cant, being a bit too bold with guessing and having to create this new lady (and 2 more before her, 2 false accusations each, so shoot me ;> ), I spent a bit making my own pen, paper and pencil system.

It look a lot like yours Naomi and I really like the work you did there but I miss a few things, of which motive is the most obvious. But what I REALLY miss is the notes on how many question I asked whom and/or about whom as well as wether persuasion or bribery was used/is open. I depend big time on Stress Detection so far, and this has been the only strategy that seems to work for me. Id really love to have it in html form, but if nothing else Id need some extra noting space for each suspect and each shopkeeper. Unfortunately I understand zip of coding of any kind and of anything that even remotely has to do with it. :P I think I'll have to persuade myself to go through the trouble of laminating my form. Im in tree saving mood. ;)

Btw... yes, Im new, but something tells my I'll be leading a Sleuth Anonymous group sometime in the near or far future. ;) Great game. :)


Apr-13-2006 11:34

I guess and sometimes I'm right. (This is my 87th detective).


Apr-23-2006 06:47

I don't do anything...I memorize a few names when I need it, but opening Notebook is a good idea...

Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Apr-23-2006 10:38

I keep notes on anything above the hard level.

Georgina Hardy
Georgina Hardy

Apr-23-2006 20:32

Pen and paper, the most trusty of all:)

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